Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Joint Management Commitee 2009/2010

Prior to the end of 2008 JMC, there we come again with all brand new JMC on the board to serve the community even better and improve the overall problem in Park Avenue Condominium . Here is the list of new member on the board, by the way personal contact have been remove for time being to protect all member privacy

1. Sheikh Mohd Nasir Sheikh Mohd Nasir (Chairman)
2. Tuan Azlan Tuan Din (Treasurer)
3. Mohd Nazri Nor (Secretary)
4. Noor Azam Ayub
5. Mohd Sanusi
6. Nor Azhari Shamsuddin
7. Wong Tze Lun
8. Daniel Keat (Medan Prestasi Sdn Bhd)

With the new community setup we have some sub unit which will add as adviser and information feedback to the JMB to improve the communication


  1. hopefully everyday also got the latest posting in regardless of good or bad about park avenue

  2. Visit my new blog http://aldos-blogger.blogspot.com hope you like it!!! by the wy your blog it's so nice! bye!

  3. Semuanya salah owners x Bayooorrr looo

  4. Money is the big issue in P.A. I supposed monthly collection is not enough to cover all the expenses. Why? Mistakes made from the very beginning P.A occupied and that was the time managed by the fucking HB (Henry Butcher). Everything in P.A are not well maintained. They just punishes resident whose not paying maintenance fee without asking why resident don't pay. All they care about collection but yet they don't care about to maintain or to upgrade P.A facilities. People get fed up with report after report lodged to HB. In fact developer also got nothing in good for P.A.
    Secondly when 1st JMB formed, JMB whos supposed to manage P.A not moving anywhere. Malfunction. Those that elected to drive P.A towards improvement has not performed their responsibilities. Only few JMC moving the rest just sit wait and see. What they always do, complaint, complaint and complaint. These are bunch of people in the beginning "gila kuasa" but nothing to deliver. End of the day, P.A still P.A. No additional value. It's weird to see condo with this kind of facilities.
    New committee. My hope to see you guys fully hearted carried your "amanah" by resident to make changes in P.A.

  5. let work toward the problem together from now on, as the JMB first few issue we will try to maintain back the facilities surrounding the building , which saw an awful state

  6. Mr Wong,

    Can we invite anonymous to join the pacjmb unit by filling any form to be downloaded in this web?

    I beleive since too many involvement in the web by making suggestion, comment etc, this fellows including me are interested to join the units.

    I also interested, can you just explain about the units functions etec here..


    -Ahmad Pintu-
