Friday, May 8, 2009

Annual General Meeting

As one years have gone through JMB have grow older by 1 years old, even we have establish more then a years but alot issue and item still need to be done to improve Park Avenue, hopefully in the nearby future we will see more participant on the communities
Even with over few hundred of owner in the building but the participant on the overall is quite disappointing, less then 1/3 actually turn up for such big events, i wondering what happen to others owner ? not interested or don't care about what happening to the Park Avenue building as long as your own house is great. As owner i personally feel alot of owner need to wake up and look into this as a whole building is actually belong to you not just your own unit, what do you feel when you invited some friend to come over to BBQ in poolside, my goodness rubbish everywhere , spoil equipment , tainted wall, water stain everywhere , spoil light. All this issue need to be tackle and yes all this issue need to be take of and the previously not much effort have been done.

People will start asking why didn't do that why didn't do this, but no one actually feedback to the JMB and the resident manager might even overlook all this issue while trying to solve all the bigger issue, that why we need resident to step up one more gear to help the management guys to compiled all issue at least JMB can take further action.

Everyone have their own job and busy with their working life and family, well who doesn't, even me have to work until wee hour in the morning and mean time accommodate the JMB duty as well, therefore really hope all the resident can hold hand to hand to improve the overall place just JMB alone can't make big impact but with the all resident together i sincerely believe we can make it bring the Park Avenue as one of the top resident around the area

Try spot all the owner name in the picture posted this include all picture on the top as well, whom ever manage to guess all the name and number of person attend during the meeting will stand a chance to win some free gift.. what is the free gift? wait for the next post will be review ..


  1. At least this year meeting is better than last year, almost chaotic AGM meeting.

  2. We're still new on all this just need everyone to hold hand in hand to overcome all issue
