Sunday, June 21, 2009

Progress Update 16/June/2009

Dear Resident
another update for everyone please download from the right hand box for the minute of meeting held on last week, although not much picture in the blog recently not much time to take new picture. The management office already start to move in into new unit and our own in house resident manager already on the job for a week, please help him to familiarize with all the resident here again. Feel free to pay him a visit in the management office in block B as the new office have better arrangement and more spacious for all the resident to sit in. Will post more picture soon on the new office layout.
Btw there some logo design for our in-house working shirt, if anyone have ideal feel free to submit your design.

here is my submission, for everyone to decide on this.
Here is another submission from Zul, come on guys need more before the dateline on this wednesday.

latest submission from rizal, personally i like the top right hand one, look very class.. well guys bring in more logo so that we can have more option.. for time being rizal have my vote..



  1. i agree with the sign, it looks basic and simple but nice.

    Just to add in the word 'PACJMB' at the footer (centre)..



    -Ahmad Pintu-

  2. cun, but you have the make it darker for the word 'Park'....

    btw, azam is waiting for the logo.. nak print baju katanya....

  3. Dear JMB,
    i review your minutes of meeting.OK got progress.

    My question: How come NO issues were discuss pertaining to the service contractor payment? or are we just use their services WITHOUT paying?...

    JMB MUST and display progress of contractors' payment in the blog.JMB Must justify the payment to which contractors that is critical...We don't want any misuse of money to pay the contractors eventhough their service is still bad and unfinished....Pay only whatever they have done...It is wrong to pay for some unfinished job.
    (BTW,who are the signatories?...My suggestion-JMB got to discuss on which contractor to pay...MUST have a standard SOP on this!)

    Since you guys now are collecting the maintenance fees, BUT residents NEED to know and have rights to know where the money goes!

    What is the status of our collection also NEVER discuss in your meeting.WHY?...I guess collection is MOST important to Park Avenue at this moment...Any update guy?

    Of course, money in and money out...BUT we want to know the details....

    **RM got to update the progress of each contractor every now and then. Those contractors who display under performance and 'UNFINISHED' job...DO NOT pay them....

  4. hi anonymous,
    even base on the current minute of meeting we dicuss until morning 2 a.m, i don't think so we have enough time to review all the item yet.
    The current collection do publish in the notice board and the breakdown i will suggest the management office to provide the payment information as well but for your record 30k plus is already allocated to the TNB, then staff salary and others expenses which i not have the detail yet.
    Signatories is from our secretary, treasurer and chairman

    Collection I will only get by end of the month the list as well. Will post up the information.

    in term of RM he will have to come up with the schedule for maintenance and monitoring schedule for everyone to cross check their duties.

  5. My suggestion when deciding on the logo is to just have the words Park Ave, (need to exclude the word, condominium). Reason being the JMC will be managing the retail area as well. Unless we do not intend to touch the retail area..............

  6. good point..we must not forget about the commercial area as well.

  7. I guess we should appoint a 'consultant' to design our logo....Advertise in the notice call open tender...then at the end only one company will enter (nobody interested) and sure win the tender...Then half way designing, signatories will sign the cheque and pay in full...damn good paymaster....Who got the tender?...pssttt...normal lor....its OK coz nobody want to NOT wrong ma....Price not an issue...NO competition lo....

    If things got so difficult, never mind just decide among JMC enough...NOBODY can question...Its a majority decision....

  8. Mr. Anonymous,

    You make me laugh man. It happen here in P.A. Real issue, real story and nothing to hide. Let me correct you Mr. Anonymous, actually there are few contractors bidding for the tender but only 1 selected of course. But don't be surprise of you see everything exactly the same except for letter head. Kah kah kah pssstt look like tender submitted from same person. kah kah kah kah no wonder all the wording are the same. Kah kah kah kah.

    Conclusion please be careful voting for new tender. It'll make no different. Your vote will go to same person.

    *this story got nothing to do with p.a. It is just an imagination of this comment owner.

    Yang Benar
    Lahar Cinta

  9. hi Anonymous,
    advertise in the notice board is the cheapest solution and easier for all resident to review, if there have sugggestion there always can inform the friend & family member to bid for the tender, prior to that the previous RM have have direct contact service provider to get quotation as well. This is the cheapest advertising method I don't think we have money to put ad in newspaper as we are not a multinational company with few million of ringgit to spend.

    What i can suggest to the JMC in the next tender we publish in 7-11 as well, please consider the cost effective solution. I agreed newspaper adv is good but if got the budget we can even go for tv commercial.

    If we want to earn money, yah why not just hired consultant to design it,I think your sarcastic remark on the "logo" design really unfair to me and En. Zul whom have come out with the design without a single charge.

  10. is the logo design still open for suggestions?
    if i have some designs suggestion, should i email it to you mr wong?

  11. sure, please email to me , i will publish to the blog

  12. personal is the JMC should be spending much more time and effort in collecting over due fees and less time worrying about logo. If you cant collect more then forget about this logo. Why do I say that, if you give me free t shirt with Park Ave on it, I will be too shy to use it. Maybe wear it to sleep la.

    Once we have improve the collection, yes, go ahead and think about logo. For now, please leave it alone.

    I am still waiting to see if the collection can be significantly improved. I can tell you if more than 50% dont pay then you should just stop collecting and close the place down especially the retail area. Seal the place and let it rot rather than collecting from the minority. It is totally unfair to only collect from the minority.

  13. well, they are trying all their best right?

  14. Hi Anonymous,
    collection is the first priority but others activities also still need to go on, if all 100% full force in collection then others owner will complain why no security, why no one check on the light , why the pool not running , why the water pump not working. Therefore we need to work on all area as a whole team together else solve one problem another problem raise again. However collection is still priority it never defer from the first target on the JMC, even we have publish the list of outstanding debt for the owner with reminder but yet no owner come to make payment and even complain because of legal action will be against them after 14 days. Which one is fair ? we do the proper channel then here come the owner complain about it

  15. Oh my goodness. Dont pay and yet have the cheek to complain!!! They should be made fully aware that they not only have to pay the fees plus 10% pa for late payment but also the legal fees.

    Mr Wong, you ask which is fair? It is obvious. Which is more unfair, let the culprits off and let the good paying owners keep paying? The culprits should be taken to the limit the law permits. No leniency. This is not charity. Perhaps the only compassionate ground I can think of is if they cant pay, they work for it. They can clean the pool, sweep the place , mop the place, sweep theleaves, so many things they can do if they are genuine. But to say no money and not pay, hey, we all can do the same.

    To me those who dont pay on time should just keep quiet. No grounds to be in the JMC in the first place and no right to complain.

  16. What can we said about people mentality,staying in a condo but mindset still maintain in olden time.

  17. dear all,

    it is time for jmb to charge interest of 8% for late payment of the maintenance charges, please start...

    even many low cost apartments have charged for late payment interest since the date of vacant possession...but why we did not charge interest for "high class' park avenue? why we are so kind to culprits??.. if u wanna 'high class' facility make sure you pay all the charges... if unable to pay then dont stay or have business or dare buy at park avenue, buy at other place like idaman, vista etc, you can get as low as rm30 per month only gor this damn charges.....

    let us punish these people, no mercy at all... its unfair to me who is always pay every month of 2++ to the management office.

    let us start with legal action, send them to civil prison, sieze their property or whatever... i hate these culprits.


  18. To Mr Kim,

    why the new JMC want to always charge people here and there?...I don't think it is a wise action...If you want to always punish people, at the end you will have no supporter and no one will assist you...That is 'communism'!...

    At this moment of time JMC need to get closer with the residents and at the same time collecting money in the best manner....

    Punishing/penalties will never solve this!!!

    Why create more enemy if you can have all of them to become your soldiers.....

    Park Avenue ..high class?....what a very 'kampung' statements...Park Avenue has its own class but not high class...It is quite 'dumb' if you are stressing on the 'class'.

    Hope Mr Kim can think properly before say anything....or perhaps Mr Kim got to be more 'classy' and not too 'kampung' in his statement.....

    -Class A Residents-

  19. Allo Tauke Wong....

    lama talak nampak lu punya muka... itu mr pilihanlaya mana pigi?... lia talak pigi sana vote?

    Tauke, lu sula brapa kali ala vote? wa sula pangkah lima kali ooo... mole ka? tentu mole, tala sapa mau malah, ini komputer wa sendili punya, talak salah kaan?

    wa punya pangkah ala lahsia jugak maaa.. mana mole kasitau lain olang...

    wa halap aaa, mr pilihanlaya mole amik ini peluang kasi vote manyak manyak...

    telima kasih aaa tauke... chow

    Mr Kong

  20. the polling system depend on google one, basically tak ada control to that deatures

  21. Dear class A resident
    Let her/him with the emotion...she/he deserved to feel so..after all, she/he took out RM2++ from her account to pay to management office..:)


  22. I was charged and I paid late fees by Henry Butcher.

    Maybe the JMC can refund me now if this is not the practise.

    High class? The word, "class" shouild not be used. The only nice thing is the name, thats all.

    PA is my worse nightmare as far as investment is concerned. Cheated fr day 1.

  23. Hi Anonymous ,
    We not yet decide anything on charging or not on the late penalty, so why the fruss. It is just there is a suggestion from fellow resident only. Those HB time there is no such thing call JMC all this is still new even the act have alot of clause

  24. JMC or no JMC, Henry Butcher has charged me late payment fees ( receipt to prove). How come the rest dont have to pay is beyond me.

    You mean during the first meeting, the JMC did not vote on this late payment fees?

    During Henry Butcher's time there is still the terms in the SPA and it says you need to pay interest if late. Are you suggesting that the terms in the SPA are not binding?

    Anyway, interest or not, the most important is to get them to first pay the amount owing. If this also cannot collect, interest, no chance to get la.

    I am waiting patiently for the law to take its full effect on the errant owners. Until I see some units sealed as provided under Act 663, I have no confidence in this system. It only looks nice on paper but not worth the paper it is printed on.

    Have a nice weekend.

  25. to class A resident and the rests,

    i dont mind or have no feeling if you call me 'kampung' or whatever, i dont know u and u dont know me either..... but why this fellow 'class A resident' still reside at this park avenue..? his/her mentality looks like childish and that is why park avenue cannot develop till now... i guess.....

    to JMc, please take the necessary action against all these culprits, I still of the view that park avenue can be saved if every and each parcel owner commits the payment.

    It is stated in the S&P and deed of mutual covenant, the burden is on these culprits to negate the same..

    Thank you..


  26. Dear Kim

    The problems we are encountering is multi folds.

    1. I think even if we dont get 100% collection we can still manage if and only if the majority pays, eg minimum 75% of owners pay.

    2. we lack planning, we seem to do things on ad hoc manner

    3. no money so we engange or buy sub standard stuff

    4. quality from day 1 was not up to scratch

    5. we do not adhere to the law ourself. We are slow and we are too compassionate; thats why we have so much owing to us by inconsiderate owners/residents

    6. we have heard lots of talk of "we need to do this and that, we need owners to come up to assist, we need retails owners to agree"...never ending thiongs we need to do but how much have we done?

    7. those r etail owners, majority are hopeless, never pay, dont bother and couldnt care less but the management from day 1 also did nothing much to ensure they pay. Basically we are asking the minority ot support the majority....our own form of NEP la, ask the few to support this place. Thats why we are at where we are. It is a downhill trend and will get worse if drastic actios are not taken fast. I for one have given up hope. I have heard so much until I am sick of it now. Until i see it happen, i have no more faith. Btw, I am up to date with all payments but seriously considering stopping from now on. I have thrown away good money after bad for yrs now.

  27. Dear all,
    that why we have to collect all money from the owner, come on guys we doing everything we can do imrprove the place, I have pay my maintenance since days one without fail all this year, that why not to make thing worst I have commit myself to help out even no much but at least I stand up and work for it. It is not asking too much of time just 2-3 hour one day to contribute only.

  28. I hope the JMC will not let this off easily. I am paying 50 sen per sq ft for my unit in the retail part of this development. 50 sen per sq ft is really really painful when I see no light at the end of the tunnel. This tunnel is too long and windy. I have been assured by H Butcher and BR but to date, it was after all only talk but no concrete move. It is a losing concern; how can I afford to continue paying RM325 per month on service fees alone? It is tough. On top of that,I need to service the bank loan. And it has been many years now, no rent, no income. The only light is an on coming train!!

    Can the JMC suspend the fees? Sealed up this area as it is dead, more than dead. Paying the fees makes it unbearable especially when most of the retail owners are not paying.

    Can the JMC consider suspending future collection until all owners have paid to date? I fell "cheated" if I continue to pay when most are not paying. I am requesting the JMC to suspend payment for those who have been up to date until the rest pay up and those in arrears for 6 months have their units sealed. Otherwise it will be unfair on those who have been paying. My guess is less than 10% of the retail units owners are paying up to date. Can you confirm?


  29. Halo mr eddie..

    if i'm not mistaken, MK Land hold majority of the retail unit. Its unsold some more... They owe PA a lot....

  30. Yes, that is also my understanding. Thats why I wish to know what action has been taken by the biggest debtor. Given alot of the offices remain unsold, the developer remains the owner. hence, they should be paying the management fees. If they are in arrears by 6 months, Act 663 allows the JMC to apply to the COB to have those units sealed.

    Perhaps the JMC (Mr Wong) can update us on the situation with those unsold units and if they are taking stern action on the owner. Is the JMC applying to the COB to seal these units? Or maybe, the developer is not in arrears by such a long period. What is the situation there?

    So far, the small fries have been asked to pay when the big shark swims free.

    Can someone in the JMC let us know what is happening to the unsold units?


  31. Hi All,
    The MK land have paid up their maintenance fee almost 700k up to 31 Dec 2008, and 400k have been direct contra from MK with YBR as at last year before YBR move out we have owe them almost 450k on service service + staff salary, can you can imagine that since day one it never been pay. For you information MK do contribute their maintenance fees about 20k per month as well, I believe the collection summary have been publish out as well,

    Down the road we still owe all service contractor alot of money which all this while have never been pay by YBR and HB, this year along there is 100k plus TNB bill outstanding

  32. This is the information I get for now after attending all the meeting, which i believe most of us will not knew as for me this is a shocking news after i join the team, what happen to the previous management I have no idea. Even now with the audit account been publish out we can't find anything wrong but yet our account is devastating.

  33. In other word, we've been foolish by them right?

  34. I believe that what happen previously no one knew what happen owner also don't care as long as their pay then no one want to bother about it.

  35. Just a few questions to consider:

    1. is the management such as YBR allowed to contra with the developer? Do they have such power without the owners consent? How is the contra figure worked out? If I just make a guess, it may be for one lousy unsellable property which has been marked up beyond makrket value?

    Basic question, did YBR act ourside its power?

    2. We need an external audit on this matter asap. Looks like YBR may be fast to accept the contra just to get the cash portion to pay themself and the rest we owners end up with a useless unsellable property which I am certain is valued more than market value.

    Hanky panky may be going on and we happily accept this treatment. Can I also contra with the management? I have a few things I dont want anymore? Please ask for legal opinion, I think this is action outside their authority.

  36. Mr kim & Class A Resident please stop arguing.. u both kampung and living in all new lifestyle with new management PA village.. nice name maaa..

  37. I totally agree with PB.. a nice name
    PA Village...Urban but Kampung... Our Property Value will damly increase. we'll seee.

  38. Our property value will definitely increase?? Very optimistic but nothing is impossible.

    Anyone wants to buy my unit (retail unit)? It is on special, I am selling it 100k below my cost. Once off deal, genuine sale.

  39. Open tender.. retail unit for sale..hurry..hurry.. special price..very me asap...

  40. after putting up the owners outstanding list, what is the outcome? Can JMC continue to update the latest list?

    Hope we don't see the same list posted on the notice board after some times... or else people thought it is for display only...

  41. hi! JMC,
    can you do something on the cleaniness especially the rubbish smell... Everytime ater rain, we can smell the rubbish from 8th floor!! Damn disgusiting and this is not hygiene...

    Block B Owner

  42. Dear Property Agent

    Pls give your contact number, unit number for tender. What is the reserve price?

    If not genuine, please do not post. If genuine, please give details.

  43. Dear JMC

    Do you have plans to apply to the COB to seal those units in arrears for more than 6 months?

    If no, why not?

    Interested to find out if the JMC are seriously after the hard core culprits or is this letter of demand just a threat only. The hard core defaulters normally just throw away your letter of demand.

  44. Hi all,
    the LOD is for the go is not for display purposed, as this was the best way to collect back all the debt. For the YBR issue i don't have must info as this is the agreement agreed on previously as for now at least we have clear of part of our debt.
    I believe by next week block C owner will also receive their outstanding list. For the block A & B the credit controller already starting to call up regarding this matter.

    On the rubbish smell i also feel is damn dirty and scare there will be virus involve when it is getting more and more, I will inform the RM and let them arrange on the contractor to take out the rubbish. For everyone info the rubbish is collect per trip RM 100

  45. Dear TL Wong

    2 things I like to raise for you to follow up with the JMc as I think it is important.

    1. Can you please advise that the JMC will take action to seal the units of those who are in arrears for more than 6 months.

    2. Can you please ask for legal advise from our chairman to see if YBR has the authority to do a contra deal with the developer and if the deal was done at market value or marked up value more to benefit YBR then the owners.

    Thanks for looking into these matters.


  46. Guys...
    which logo that is selected?

    How many people bidding for this uniform supply?
    what is our budget?
    What is the price that they have quoted?

    Seem like the title is a bit deviates now...

  47. the budget approve is stated on the previous minute of meeting , as we rushing for the guard equipment to finalize this time the RM have go to source the supplier directly in brickfield or jln sentul there

  48. Reposting this hoping for your reply. Thanks.

    Dear TL Wong

    2 things I like to raise for you to follow up with the JMc as I think it is important.

    1. Can you please advise that the JMC will take action to seal the units of those who are in arrears for more than 6 months.

    2. Can you please ask for legal advise from our chairman to see if YBR has the authority to do a contra deal with the developer and if the deal was done at market value or marked up value more to benefit YBR then the owners.

    Thanks for looking into these matters.

  49. Hi Anonymous,
    i will bring up the issue raise in the coming JMc meeting will everyone to debate on this , as I can act in behave of everyone. As you can see from the previous decision to do a notice on the outstanding debt also I been fire with alot of comments. This time i prefer to get all voting in proper debate about the sealing of the unit.

    the deal been struck on last year JMB with Mr Daniel Keat (MK representative) in the board as well,I believe there have raise the question and matter during their term in the meeting to conclude such deal

  50. Dear TL Wong

    As far as I am aware, theJMC and previous management has only been talking. When it comes to enforcing the Act to its intended purpose, they are slow and not even doing it.

    1. why wont the JMC pursue theAct 663 to its limit, including Sections 23, 32 and 33.? If the JMC is not going to pursue Section 32 and 33, please post here for all the read.

    2. why has the JMC got to vote on whether to apply to COB to attach those properties? It is allowed by Law 663, why the need to vote? Voting on this matter is like burying their heads in the sand; too difficult, not worth the trouble....

    JMC, you need to be serious. LOD like most of us know is just a poker bluff........only gives the lawyers money to prepare this letter. Perhaps engage licenced debt collector. There are licenced collector in Klang Valley. Why dont the JMC consider this if they do not have the stamina to pursue this?

    Look forward to the JMC's decision soon.

  51. Dear TL Wong

    Those who oppose applying for the properties to be attached/sealed, please give your reason why you dont want to pursue this course of action.

    Why did the people object to your suggestion to post thre notice? If they oppose then what is their suggestion? How to collect?

    Daniel Kat shouldabstain from voting as he has vested interest. He is an employee of the developer and I wish to know how much is still owed by the developer. Previously you mentioned that the developer is paying RM20k a month. What is more important is how much are they suppose to be paying a month? Is 20k the full payment or is it only partial payment. Please furnish us with full and complete details not just partial. 20k sounds like alot to be paying but more important is how much is the amount due. Appreciate it if you could provide more info such as:

    1. how much is the develoer currently owing?

    2. how much is due from them each month? and

    3. how much are theyactually paying each month?

    Note: Isnt thepayment on a quarterly basis??? Why is the developer payng by installments? Can we also pay by installments?

    There must be fair treatment for all pparties not just for developer!!!

  52. If i can get the figure correct the amount owe is 36k per month, in term of paying same issue as other as well, credit controller from management office need to call and call , same go to owner as well everyone need to be call and reminder.

    So far i only see the the account sumamry started from May where the new JMB establish

    the monthly payment I can't confirm, as far as i knew i pay monthly for my maintenance fees all this years in here

  53. Hi Anonymous ,
    on the act there I remember it, do stated that a notice of 14 days and 7 days must be sent to the errant owner before any action to be taken, which bring us to the LOD have to been issue but i will bring your suggestion to the JMC meeting of now enforce LOD instead go for debt collector. But i personally not agreed to debt collector thing.

  54. Dear TL WOng

    Deby collector or not, I dont really care but most important we can collect and it is done by legal means.

    If LOD works then that is fine by me. But if it does not then what is our next move? In Malaysia, I know in practise, LOD seldom works. I hope it works for us though. We must have alternative plan in case it does not. If you dont agree to using debt collector, what do you propose if thisLOD does notbear fruit?

    I have been paying service fees since day 1 and I have always been billed on a quarterly basis. How come the rest only billed monthly? Why the double standard?

    If developer only pays RM20k a month when they should pay 36k, the amount owing will keep accumulating. Is this acceptable to the JMC? this amounts to 56% of total amount billed. Surely this is unacceptable.

    How come the JMC cannot determine the total amount owed by developer since day 1? What are they doing about this?

    Why did the JMC allow such a practise? What is their plan to collect the balance?

  55. Looks like the developer is owing in arrears of more than 6 months. Why is the JMC not going after them using Section 33 of Act 663?

  56. The billing is by quarterly is confirm but previously even during HB time I just pay monthly there no issue raise by the office management, so there is no double standard, just method of payment only.

    The total owe by them already stated in there account audit to us as at 31/Dec/2008 but there is certain amount we still waiting for their feedback like advanced to park avenue more then 100k which no one knew what figure is that, please look into audit account for detail.

    Developer is owing us around 6 month but there do have effort to pay us monthly as well, but others owner so far no news no respond

  57. Dear Block B Owner..
    Do u thing only u got nose?
    JMC olso have... for this moment we don have enough money to pay the Service contractor plus our preveous debt... then how?
    any solution?
    Please concern about our constrain before 'Hentaming'.

    Any way your complain we keep in our dustbin properly.

    Thank You.

    -Bukan JMC-

  58. Its funny sometimes....
    We have been eagerly commenting about the 'logo' BUT I didn't see any logo on PA New In-House Guard Uniform....or maybe the logo has a special 'glow-in-a-dark' printing...hahahahaha....
    or maybe..'never-glow-even-if-its-dark'.....

    Why la Park Avenue got so many 'maybe'...
    Can we just be a normal residents that stays in a condo...or 'maybe' not.....hahahaha...

  59. Logo printing need time to design and print, and the t-shirt need to be ready for the guard on 1/7/09.. impossible to have the logo attach together on time. As I can said the logo can be still be use in the future reference on the document or etc. It never go to waste as it is effort

  60. Saya banyak setuju sama En Wong.. Itu orang tau ketawa saje... Dey Thambi, mau ketawa banyak banyak kalu pergi sana tengok Phua Chu Kang laa...cit, pundek!

  61. Orang kalau ketawa banyak ni,tanda nak mati....
    Kalau tak pun nak kena penampor...
    Jangan cakap saja... Tolong la sama...
    Anda pasti boleh mengubahnye....

    Renung2 kan dan selamat beramal...

  62. Dear Mr Wong and all,
    do not misunderstand my statement.
    It is actually a sincere comments.
    My comments is always for the good of Park Avenue.I really appriciates what Mr Wong has contributed to Park Avenue.Its a matter of check and balance and merely sincere.

    To Dr Easy,
    sometimes laughter is the best medicine...hopefully you can be a bit relax la...

  63. Bro,

    tak sume ketawa tu ubat, kekadang mengundang padah....

    contoh : nko ketawakan kumanathan dia tu hitam, mesti dapat penampo/penerajang free...ketawa gak tu..

  64. Apa dah jadi dgn park avenue blog ni? Tempat bergaduh pulak jadinya.

    Mr. Wong, saya cadangkan tutup je blog ni. Lantak la dgn org2 yang pandai bising je tapi contribution tarak ni. Selama ni pun diorang ni bukan peduli pun pasal p.a. Kalau diorang ni pedulu, dah tentu payment diorang cantik dan dah tentu datang AGM jmb hari tu dan dilantik jadi commitee.

    Yang Benar
    Antoo Fighter

  65. En Yang Benar Antoo Fighter,

    Tak perlu nak tutup blog ni kalau semua yang terlibat ikhlas nak saling bantu membantu.

    Suruh pergi meeting pun tak nak tapi dalam blog bukan main banyak cadangan, bukan main mengutuk...itulah si bacul namanya.

    Orang dalam JMC pun buatlah sesuatu dengan jujur, bila tak jujur, orang marah... kita tak bole kecik hati kalau orang marah kita buat silap... dah memang silap. ditegurkan merajuk, ugut letak jawatan....

  66. Hi all,
    Don't worried the blog will be maintain and comment will be receive with upon heart, If there is mistake pointed out with good point I definetely agreed to it, just like suggestion receive from block C info.

  67. Thank you Mr Wong for being 'open' and transparent.I also suggest all JMC members to take Mr Wong as a good example...
    I believe JMC cannot act childishly...sulking?

    -Honesty is the best policy-

    PS:I think Mr Kumanathan is happy with his skin colour...Black is beauty bro...LOL..LOL..
    You won't get slapped as he is so happy with the current situation.....instead you will get his hug...LOL..LOL...

