Thursday, June 4, 2009

Car park owner

Dear resident,
Our building been vandalize yet again , this time the block A main door have been sabotage and i not so sure where is the security at night, ridiculous the thing is just been fix and now barely less then a month it been destroy again, there just so uneducated people around us. However this is not as major as the issue if three car owner car been break-in and remove their belonging, now even car park at our our building is not safe at all this is so serious, while the mean time it is advisable for all the owner to remove their valuable from their respective car at night time to be sure, pretty disappointing with the security effort. Since there alot anyway to walk in into our building , motorcycle just pass by the guard post without any verification , guard sitting in the post chit-chatting , smoking and ever have girl in that place to entertain among them self.

JMB will be looking into alternative solution to this problem as it have been repeating for sometimes i think all resident is clearly frustrated with the current security their performance is far below par. If any resident have suggestion please come forward with your idea we will be much appreciate with some good suggestion.


  1. not only the car park need to be worry, somebody has taken my pos laju reminder last friday and she claimed the parcel at pejabat pos sg buloh last monday...that person claimed the parcel using my name but different IC (830527-10-5806-checked the name is ZURMATY FAZILAH BT AWANG, anybody knows this person??) was quite expensive item and the person who took it never contact me or the sender, she took it for good...

  2. Wow..that is damn serious , take people parcel as well, does the security cam able to see thse face ? should make a police reports

  3. Hi all,

    Security issue is neverending story. Lately too many issue pertaining to our hired security company. I would like to suggest JMB to terminate their service. Damn bad service. You can see security officers with ear rings and gangsters look alike in P.A. No dicipline. Smooking, sleeping and yes I chit chatting with girls at 2 am ++ last 2 nights. Fucking ass hole company.
    And what action from JMB? Few cars broken within a week. Can we claim from security company'insurance'?
    I think this is one of the reason why we hire so called "registered and insured" security company to serve P.A.

  4. totally agreed on this lah..i damn fedup with those guys in block A post even the door been broken off, I will bring out this issue , if one want to penalties there are whole list of it.

  5. Well well well...seem that Park Avenue is under attack.....I suggest, blame the guard company and terminate them if necessary...How much was the losses?...
    Or maybe the 'ane' car wash also involve, sometimes we can easily see him in Park Avenue,pusing2 in the parking area.....Need fast action guys...

  6. dear all

    Now we can see that the main entrance at block A is broken into pieces..guess what..when i ask the guard in the morning, he said that " cermin tu pecah sendiri.." so stupid there must be hantu who broke it right? where on earth he learned that..a day before, there were 2 guards who were having a nice subuh dream..feel like waking them up but i'm afraid that they will turn into monster and harm me..ayoyo..come la JMB..terminate them. Do you wanted to see 'ada orang mati' then only want to take action?


  7. that stupid answer also there dare to give my goodness "pecah sendiri" damn pandai, I wondering does the security cam capture anything or not, I will check with the management office tomorrow, so far JMB doesn't have any meeting yet

  8. Security oh security.. Always sleep on their post - having friends and girlfriends guest around.. i once wake them up during 3am as i just came back from my office and i saw them sleeping.. but all i get was this 'shitty looking face'.. haiyo.. i minght be beaten on on the next time.. LOL..

    car being break-in is another issue.. and this is serious matter..! for me personally i'm pointing my finger to those security guards and their 'friends'.. it could be happening on their own action..

    my advise is before anything and everything get worse, terminate the appointed security company.. and ask for the insurance to cover all the losses..

  9. Dear azri
    tha's why in my post i mentioned that i don't dare to wake them up as they all were 'guys' and they might harm me..i don't know how long this situation will go on..


  10. Btw ,
    JMB have requested the management to prepare notice to show cause to suria security on the incidents including breaking vehicle. We might impose pnalty to repair the glass at their own costs and futher to claim their insurance for vehicle. By Monday the glass may be repaired , currently still waiting for quotation

  11. Hi anonymous ,
    JMCS are working very hard to make sure all is in order...we are trying as best as we can, but please bare in mind also that we are the owner (paid maintenance charges) as you are, having family, having own privacy, having children to feed, salary man, business man or even a person having a lot of personal things to do compared with anonymous, and the most important is we are doing this voluntarily .. we strongly believe that we can solve the problems provided that we must unite ..AGAIN WE NEED SUPPORT AND COMMITMENT FROM THEM BY ATTENDING THE MEETING AND TO PROVIDE SOLUTION AND TO PARTICIPATE IN THE UNITS.

  12. Meeting? Can meeting solve the issue? Did all things adopted in the meeting implemented? Will all JMC's listen to non JMC's opinion? If not i prefer JMC's meet among themselves. First thing to do, terminate current fucking security company. Hate to see their faces. I'm not prejudice with Kelantanesse but it proven. Gathered with their Kelantan's friend, chit chat and yet don't know what happen in P.A.. even broken door just few meter from their post. Fuck 'em all.
    Why don't we have our own P.A security officer?

  13. Hi Anonymous,
    Of course JMC will listen end of the day we all are the owner as well and only one goal is to improve our home only. Actualy to have our own security issue, we only got two problem when unfortune event happen like the door then we cannot claim from the security and another major issue which the last meeting is the payment, as now our service contractor is delay payment if we employ own guard I don't think so we have enough money to pay them every month. I just telling the truth on this as everyone can see the collection list and expenses

  14. Allo Tauke Wong,

    Lu ala sihat ka? baguss... wa pun ala sihat.. talak sakit sakit.. cuma wa hati manyak sakit... itu musuk punya olang...

    Itu celemin lu suda beli baru ka?... wa ala kawan jual itu celemin maa.. suma celemin dia ala jual... keleta cemin, mata cemin suma ada hahahaa

    Tauke Wong jangan mala ar.. wa gurau saja kasi hati senang...

    Tauke Wong kasi itu mesealement.... aiya itu size maaa... sori, wa inglish tatak bagut....

    wa kasi tau wa punya kawan, belakang lia kasi halega... brapa tebal lu mau? 20 hon mole ka?

    Tauke, saya kawan pun ala mikin itu pintu suma celemin... talak pakai frame punya.... mau ka?

    Lu apa mau kasi tau... suma ala...

    Mr Kong

  15. Hi Mr Kong,
    Can give us your friend contact so that we can actually as for quotation

  16. tauke wong, wa punya pajero bole parking guard punye ofis depan ke.wa nampak itu tempat saja selamat. blakang guard pun mole pecah.

    Mr Kong

  17. To Mr 'Hate' Kelantanese,
    I guess you are being too single minded here...
    The issue here is merely because the security services is unprofessional..I disagree with mr 'Hater'....It seem that there is something 'fishy' and some kind of 'internal politics' around....I advise member of JMB to really investigate whats going on in our place, not just follow stories or etc..Being fair and get the fact right before make any decision.

    To have our own security is also NOT an easy tasks...there are Pros and Cons....Or maybe there was a 'silent' plan from those who wants to kick out the current security company?! also got politics ka?...

    -No Hate..BUT Love always-
    -Hate politics and 'un'true stories-

  18. Allo Enci Hate Politics,

    selamat pagi aaa.... waa, lu manyak lambat tido ar, talak bagus untuk lu punya badan maa. Nanti sakit latang ooo.

    Ini ccelita apa? sukuliti ar? hahaaha, wa suma celita mole.

    Talak baik celita lain olang punya musuk.. Lu sendili tengok laa. Wa ala dengar celita itu sukuliti aa angkat wang sama olang, itu pasat lia kena buang keleja.. ala betut ka ini celita?

    Lagi aa.. disiplin talak. lu sana blok B sendili tengok itu punch panggil itu sukuliti boss satu kali jalan. Tanya lia boss apa pasat sukuliti suma lambat latang keleja. Talak on time.

    Itu macam punya compony lu lagi mau simpan ka? itu compony tauke talak malu ka lia punya staf bikin ini macam?

    Allo kawan, ini celita mau kick itu sukuliti bukan silent plan. Suma olang celita dalam ini internet. Mana ala bising. Suma talak kelua suala maa....

    Lagi satu ar wa mau kasi tau, ini malaysia manyak bagus, ala berbilang bangsa, ala manyak negeli ooo. Suma negeli pun sama oo. Itu sukuliti pun sama. kelantan mali, johor mali, sabah pun ala, suma campur campur.

    Wa dulu pun ala luduk sana kelantan. Sana olang pun manyak baik punya olang... Itu problem ar sama sukutili punya olang saja.

    Itu kelantan punya amoi pun manyak cantik, wa suka hehhehehe

    Mr Kong

  19. Mr Kong...
    I only agree with u on the 'chicks'...hehehe...
    Furthermore, we must ensure that our pocket is enough every month to pay our in-house guard...Currently,I think that we can survive because we drag the contractors' payments...but if in-house security is implemented,we need more cash to pay their salary every month....No doubt about the services -lousy...,but in-house guard will give more headache...If JMB dare, then better be prepare and must have a contigency plans....

    -Love 'chicks' from everywhere-

  20. Haiya tauke...
    Itu lu tala suka, ini lu tala suka.... habit, apa lu suka... tau suka amoi saja ini olang...

    mau meniaga mesti mau ala wang. tala wang tabole meniaga...

    Kita tempat aa memang manyak wang ala..kasi kolek kluar la...talak kolek macam mana mau lapat itu wang. Apamacam mau lapat?.. lu olang bayar itu konsalten, pigi tanya sama lia la...wa mana tau, wa jaga konstruction saja maa.. bikin paip..

    Ini tauke tempat pun satu hat.. baya libu libu sama konsalten, apa lia dapat? apa pasai itu konsalten talak fikir apamacam mau mintak wang sama owner..Lia sula kaya ka? tak mau wang?

    Wa punya tempat ar... menkon tala baya, wa tunggu lia punya tangga ofis, mana lia mau lari.. itu keleja, kalu lu tak mau bikin, lu kasi sub sama lain olang laa...wa dengar ala satu india atas sana pun bikin ini keleja jugak, kejar tanya lia tengok.

    Wa kawan Karam Singh ala cakap, ini ayam sama tolur. Sukuliti sama payment...

    Lu bikin sukuliti jaga cantik, itu owner latang baya laa....tala baya jugak, lu kasi buang suma sukuliti, kasi owner sendili jaga maaa....bikin lukun tatangga loo..

    haiya... tala guna cakap manyak manyak, lu sendili fiki loo.. wa mau pigi jumpa menkon angkat wang..hehehe, wa kaya, lebih baya budak, wa mau tukar pajero sama solento.. hehhee

    Mr Kong

  21. Tauke Wong,

    Selamat pagi aa...

    Tadi pagi wa luduk minum sama wa kawan, tauke celemin (ah leong 012-2962533). Wa tanya sama lia pasai itu tempered glass.

    Lia kasitau ar.. Satu laun mau caj 1500/-.. kita punya entelence (pintu lapan) ada ampat laun... mau pakai wang 6 libu...

    Lagi ar campur itu plasteling ar.. satu laun mai 150/-.. ampat laun mau 5 latut saja..

    suma 6 libu 5 latut oooo... bole ka tauke.?

    atau ar... itu plasteling lu kasi beli balang, wa kasi wa punya budak tolong, mole?

    Lu balik tanya lu punya boss tengok apamacam...

    Mr Kong

  22. let get few more quotation first, then can bring in to meeting to decide

  23. kepada Mr wong, jmc dan semua pemilik/penduduk p.avenue

    Pada 1/7/09 saya dengar kita mahu buat inhouse security? betul kan mr wong?

    saya banyak setuju kalau suria security kena buang.. dengar cerita dato' kolonel dia pun tinggal kat p.avenue tapi service tetap tak bagus, mengapa ye? saya difahmkan sebab kita ambik suria security kerana 1. dato' kolonel tinggal kat sini (senang nak jaga budak2 dia kononnya) dan 2. sebab dia ada trainig security centre kat sini, dengan angapan dia boleh buat sesuatu pada security park avenue secara amnya kononnya. 3. bayaran murah 4.50 sejam, betul ke mr wong?, kalau betul patutlah jmb appoint dia.., tapi tak berhasil akhirnya... namun saya tak menyalahkan jmb, kerana sebelum ni sekuriti lain pun gagal bagi service jugak, macam du security, kawalan perwira dll.

    oleh itu, saya harap semua penduduk bagi komitmen pada inhouse security demi menjaga bangunan kita..saya dengar inhouse security akan buat banyak perubahan untuk menguatkuasakan house rules... pada residen jangan pulak banyak membebel sekiranya penguatkuasaan house rule dibuat, kalau tak nak follow house rule...sila keluar dan cari tempat tinggal lain.. maaflah terkasar tapi inilah hakikatnya karenah penduduk p. avenue.

    orang yang parking kat belakang pejabat baru mngmt p.avenue pun perlu diambil tindakan, harap jmb ambik tindakan segera (saya dengar orang kuat sifar jenayah pun parking kat belakang ni jugak???, apasal dia tak ikut undang2, patutlah jenayah kat d.damai ni tak jadi sifar sebab undang-undang biasa pun dia tak ikut).

    satu lagi, minta tolong semua owner blok a, b dan c bayar maintenance charges, barulah kita boleh menguruskan bangunan dengan baik..

    saya tengok banyak kelainan pihak JMB buat untuk penduduk. Mestilah, sebab jmb pun adalah owners yang duduk kat p.avenue, mestilah mereka nak yang terbaik kann? dan kita perlu lihat hasilnya dahulu sebelum membuat apa-apa kritikan, selamat berjaya jmb....

    saya akan cuba datang weekly meeting ari selasa jam 9.30pm untuk bagi idea-idea pada jmb, pada yang lain datanglag jadi kita boleh berkenalan dan bertukar pendapat tq

    -ahmad pintu-

  24. Very strong point Mr Ahmad pintu.
    This is what we want. Appreciation instead of critism. At least observe before simply throw your word.
    In house security will implement the house rules accordingly. If there's any stupid resident making any noise then it won't change anything. Resident want to see changes but not ready to change themselves. So what is this? How to see changes in P.A without changing your attitude. In every aspect, resident itself must ready to change.
    1- Change their negative thinking
    2- Change their stubborn to pay maintenance attitude.
    3- Change their low class lifestyle "we are now in CONDOMINIUM guys

    If people ready to change sure there will be no problem neither in house security guard nor contract security guard. They can do their task easily beacuse no errant attitude.
    Main problem, people will do the job full hearted if they get paid worth to what have been contributed. Now P.A had no fund. We still owe a lot of previous contractor. Why? Back to attitude. Resident do not pay their maintenance fee. Po;ular reason, no changes. Come on man.. let by gone be by gone. During HB and BR time we failed. Do you want to see another failer now? If the answer is NO, give your cooperation by paying your outstanding. Some reached above 10k. Big amount man.
    It depends to you guys. I do also see my outstanding debt on the notice board. I'll pay mine. No worries JMC's .. it is not a big amount. Just enough to pay 1 month salary for 1 security guard.

    -Abdul Tingkap-

  25. Its quite funny and suspicious sometimes.

    If you guys notice,seem like the comment from Ahmad Pintu and Abdul Tingkap got a similar 'sound' thru their writing style...Seem like Ahmad Pintu know a lot about Park Avenue and he act like he is one of the JMC, his explanation is quite thorough about security but seem like he doesn't know the decision to do in-house security...Funny LOL!...
    And Abdul Tingkap is seem like supporting Ahmad Pintu in a much similar be frank,Abdul Tingkap sound like he is responsible for the collection of Park Avenue....hihihihi....

    Come on guys, this is a blog! not a drama/soap opera.....

  26. Mr. Anonymous,

    Honestly i know nothing about collection. My resposibility is to pay my maintenence fee. I do not know who is Ahmad Pintu but I do believe what he said is true. Perhaps we do have same way of thinking and hope others will have the same too.

    I suggested people to change. Was it wrong? I emphasis people to pay their maintenance fee. Was it wrong? Sooner or later, all the debt must be paid. We better pay now rather than later if we want to see changes in Park Avenue.

    Maybe i'm not right but have no right to say others are wrong.

    Abdul Tingkap

  27. We now have Pak Sahak (if I'm not mistaken) to forsee the security aspects of Park Avenue...but I notice that there is no enforcement done on the security at this moment..people can come easily and just ask the guard to open the door for that easy to enter Park Avenue?...well I guess the function of the 'Head of Security' need to be polish as there seem to be NO IMPROVEMENTS!...Are we wasting our money again this time?....

  28. Hi Mr. Anonymous,

    Let me correct you. Pak sahak is not 'head of security'. From my knowledge he is Park Avenue area supervisor. He is looking at all aspect but since we are so lacking in security area currently he is focusing on it. The reason why JMB decided to hire in house guard were to have better control of all the officers.

    Currently we don't have full control of all the security officers because they have their own reporting officer, surely not pak sahak. Pak Sahak had reported few times to JMC about dicipline and so on of all this officers and action taken was, matters raised to suria security management in fact to dato' himself. Yet no changes can be seen. why pak sahak and jmc can't change all this officers thinking? Because they have their r.o so they not fully followed what are instruction given by us instead from fromr.o. Problem, suria r.o not strictly monitor their staff and resulted our security damn loose.

    It is true we need to go thru their management for any issue and seems that no action taken by suria security. I'm so grateful suria security terminated and hopefully our new in house guard will bring new things to park avenue.

    -hati panas-

  29. Dear Mr wong,

    I hope by the introduction of the inhouse security, one of our problem can be solved at least gradually instead of paying to damn security company..monthly RM20k? RM22? or may be we still owe them? gone missing where at the same time we get less professional security services..

    I do hope jmc to close monitor our inhouse security so that the security problems we are facing will not happen again, again, again and again..

    last but not least, i do hope jmc to educate this so called inhouse security about our house rules which has been abandoned since few years... enforcement of parking area, stickers, guests visit, access cards, usage of our common area including swimming pool ,gym, children playround, squash, etc need to be closely monitored.. A method to attend our guests and usage of the common area is needed and need to be rebuild as per our house rules. Further, we can use our inhouse security to assist our management team to collect maintenance charges against errant owners in park avenue.

    Thank you guys,


  30. hi kim,
    this is our ultimate goal as well, as the owner we do want to see all this, so with the new team establish I sincerely hope improvement can be seen.

  31. Hi All,

    This is what we call CHANGE. All residents want to see changes but are they ready to change themselves. Big question mark here. I do hope all resident can accept the changes when in house security strictly follow the house rules. But definetely we will be facing an issue where stupid resident fighting with our new in house guard.

    I suggest JMB to organize 1 get together session with resident before or maybe in the first week of July to explain changes that is going to happen in P.A. Hence resident won't get shock with their own style of living in condo.

    -Abdul Tingkap-

  32. I sort like agree with Mr Abdul Tingkap...
    hope JMC to organise the event for resident...get to know them and JMC will surely got their support.....

    -Mr LOL-

  33. dear abdul tingkap and mr lol

    any idea about oranizing event for resident....? makan-makan?, dialog?., pocho-pocho?, sport event? p avenue has done so many times but no committment despite very humble invitation.. and of course it involve costs, maybe mr. abdul tingkap and mr Lol can support and invite these resident, let us do together to assist jmc.. hahaha.

    -Ahmad Pintu-

  34. i agree with ahmad albab and abdul window...
    even invitation publish..still no attendent from our resident, so what the best solution to solve this matter..(in-house sekuriti.) In term of legal i thing, responsible to knowed any Rules or regulation is not on Regulator but resident. Am i correct? Hello... any lawyer or legal officer here? Any how..if the regulator publish the objective or polisi about this matter then is ok..but the regulator cannot be blaim....

    Think Again

    - Dolah Laitai -

  35. Mr Dolah... i like your name, cute.
    Lawyer tarak! Panel lawyer ade...Tapi kena bayar. Takde duit, duduk diam-diam. Jangan cakap pandai!
    Poyo je, English bertabur pulak tu.

  36. Sudah.. jangab bergaduh.. kalau nak bergaduh pergi di luar .. Allahhhhhhhh

    Ismet Ulam Raja

  37. Hi Abang Dolah,

    I minat kat abang Dolah. Walaupun tak berapa betul, tapi abang Dolah berani mencuba. Abang Anonymous, jangan lah kutuk abang Dolah macam tu.... tak baik.

    tapi sebelum tu Abang Dolah, REGULATOR tu ada kat motosikal/barang letrik je. Abang Dolah tau ke apa bendanye? bukak internet naaa...
    belajar lagi.


  38. Hi Farrah,

    I pulak minat kat u la Farrah. Kalau tak cuba tak tahu. Nak cuba le ni. Farrah tinggal kat unit mana?

    Mr. Loba Loba

  39. Mr laloba..
    Bukan main gatai lagi kau kan...
    Depan bini tunduk je...
    Dalam ni kau la jantan ye...
    Takpe..Buat baik pada semua...
    Termasuklah Farrah ni...
    Unit mana Tadi?

    -Dolah Taitai-

  40. Alahh bang Dolah.. Bang Dolah pun sama je gatal kan? Tapi takpe bang Dolah, kita gatal sama-sama tak salah kan? Farrah jadi tukang garu. Boleh kan Farrah? Baru la nama 'jiran sepakat, membawa berkat'.

    Bang Dolah dengan bini pun ada sikit goyang gak saya tengok. Macam kena cucuk hidung saja. Pandai-pandai la pujuk bini, boleh mesra-mesra dgn Farrah.

    Unit mana Farrah? Nanti bagi kunci. Boleh I duplicate. Senang nak selinap masuk tengah malam.

    Saya cinta Farrah. :p

    Mr. Loba Loba

  41. Abang Dolah/Mr Laloba,

    I suka orang 'speaking london' aje.. so, kalau nak I garuk blakang, you kena request in English...

    P/s : I suka berkawan dengan niger pasal diorang ni fluent English....


  42. Ohhh ok...Is it true that niger English fluent better then me....or They got BIGGER #####.

    But ok for me, it is democracy nation..
    How many niger you know Cik Farah..and how it taste?

    - Bang Dolah-

  43. taste?.. what taste?

    we are just friend, like abang dolah & i. not more than that.

    pls abg dolah, this is blog, its open to public

    btw, how is your REGULATOR?


  44. Hi Ms Farrah

    I want to be more than just a friend. I guess nothing wrong with that rite? I'm still single, young and energatic. It would be good if you and me be a 'sleeping partner' - don't get me wrong ok.

    2 is always better than 1 in this circumstances. Forget about Abg Dollah. His REGULATOR was not as good as mine. Not well maintain :p

    If you still pursue your NIGGER type of regulator, myself is the perfect match.

    Anyway what's your unit number again?

    Mr Loba Loba

  45. si farah tu... farrah fawcett lagi la cun...kepada kaum pompuan tlg la jaga suami masing2 si farah nie mmg gatal selalu bertenggek je klu org laki ada mtg.. mengadu pak arab la depan rumah kacau la apa la. mmg gatal abis. ngada-ngada. pakaian seksi muka jerawat..aku pun dok isau laki aku nie dok mengatal dgn dia. rumah dia blok A.unit a-13-05..p la nak gatal sgt.. elok la sgt perangai abg dolah, loba2 ke mmg aku dah tau sapa korg.

  46. Sori cik kak.... rumah I bukan A13-05... atas lagi...

    kesian si farah tu, tak pasal2 kena marah... tak baik cik kak tuduh melulu macam tu, berdosa free...

    btw, dah lama tak nampak abg dolah & abg lobak kat RKB... tak mengeteh dah ke?

    Nickname saya : Farrah
    nama penuh saya : Fauzi Auww!!

  47. farah or a.k.a fauzi auww org sama je. pada kaum wanita tolang la berhati2 dgn budak si farah nie. klu x sayang suami masing2 kongsi je la dgn dak farah tu..

  48. hello cik kak....

    Tolong jangan samakan I dengan si farah tu, I tak kenal pun dia tu sapa.. tonggek ke die tu? I lagi tonggek...auwww!!

    I tak kuasa nak rampas suami orang... suami orang je nak rampas I...hikhikhik..

    Lain kali cik kak, jaga suami masing masing... jangan terlopong kalau suami akak kena ambik ngan pompuan lain (nasib baik I ni bukan pompuan). badan mesti kena jaga, join la poco-poco...hikhikhik...

    Farrah @ Fauzi auww!!

  49. auw auw2 xleh masuk poco2. apahal farrah nak angin lak? mmg sah2 ko farrah. suka sgt ngadu kat laki aku n kwn2 laki aku yg ko asyik kena kacau dgn org arab tu.semua kroni umah ko sama gatal cam ko farrah.

    nie je la aku nak bgtau, malas nak layan betina gatal mcm ko nie..klu ko bukan farrah x yahla nak angin 1 badan lak..farrah xda apa ko lak yg lebih (fauzi auw auw)..
    tapi aku tau sbb ko farrah la ko angin 1 badan x ttu pasal..

  50. Sumpah cik kak, I bukan Farah A13-05 tu...Wallah...

    Tak baik cik kak tuduh die camgitu... dosa free namanya...cuba bawak bersaba skit...

    Abang Dolahhhh... cik kak ni isteri abang dolah ke? ke bini abang loba loba? kesian ek...kuat jeles..

    Farrah @ Fauzi...auwww !!

  51. alaa farrah cik kak tu bukan apa... kuat jeles maknanya tanda sayang yg teramat sgt kat laki dia la tu..

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