Friday, May 29, 2009

Progess Update 29/May/2009

Dear All Resident,
time for our update progress again, yesterday night supposed to have a meeting with the resident manager & consulting firm but to our disappointment both representative fail to turn up and inform everyone last minute where else the meeting been set since week ago,very unprofessional behavior.Anyway forget about my rant let go through so progress update for everyone.
  1. security clocking will be install by this end of this week, so hopefully now we can see guard doing what their supposed to do.
  2. after a long hour of discussion wit the security company it seem their behavior is still the same, according to our pak Sahak his observation on those guard rating is still below average, however we are paying them at 4.50 per hour where else Armanee is rm 6 per hour, for time being let monitor again since the information is less then a month.
  3. intercom supplier have been provided by the JMC member for the RM to get quotation and check the problem but somehow the action have been slow and pending consultant to come over to check the machine problem. No idea when it going to come over to check the system no rm to feedback to us maybe if any expertise out there can help us in this ?
  4. All access card door have been fix, well after chasing for so long finally it been fix, where else if got people doing their audit job and monitoring those thing will not be spoil and left it undone for so long, hopefully this thing will be maintainable as their charges for one time service is rm 1.7k not cheap consider the amount of frequency the thing spoil, hope resident will not spoil this or try to steal the machine back to their own house (this do happen b4, maybe there are some sick physcho in here)
  5. MPPJ don't have our building plan, so now we cannot decide on how is the common area and how is the electricity been use, already contacted Daniel Keat (MK Land) will come back to us in two week times (let see)
  6. AUDIT Account requested by the MK to submit the audited account by 29/May so those with accounting or audit expert or what ever expert please be ready and help to see if and issue on the account
  7. Good news to all the errant defaulter whom still own the maintenance, sinking fund money, by this week we should have a complete list of debtor from YBR converted into excel, now there given all data in PDF therefore take times to sorted out all the data (have to copy and paste one by one to our own record, damn those people try to make our work difficult only), Anyway subsequent action will those amount outstanding will be posted in notice board if by seven days no changes been make, based on the amount the JMB will issue letter of demand to all this people no more mr nice guys, bare in mind those errant owner will need to bare all the legal charges
  8. Swimming pool light and the water cascade will get the quotation by next week and proceed with the repair, as JMC first month is to repair all those broken item in common area so fast still alot of thing to do, if anyway have idea, contact or what ever information which will help the JMC run better just drop by to the weekly meeting
  9. landscaping & housekeeping will have a review with both contractor as their current service is below average, ya we pay below average but still there need to maintain the standard.. those flower and plant is like been in desert country not sure there actually got put in water or fertilizer or not no one monitor , RM don't knew monitor what maybe monitor computer
  10. electrical consumption in common area is 30k per month have already engage consultant company to check on it for sometimes so far no one come, until our JMB chairman call them there only info we just sent them the work request, what actually happening here i wondering
  11. there will be some painting activity again for the main lobby seem like waiting for the RM to do work is so slow most of the JMC member decide to help our own building to do some make up
that all for the update now and the mean time we already highlight all this issue to the consulting firm with official letter to them, will publish the letter soon and waiting for their respond within 48 hour.


  1. There is contractor for lanscapping? Seriously we need to cut them of! DIY sounds better ( i know some of us are really into gardening )

  2. i don't think so any resident will have such time to maintain all the plant in the surrouding building, that is too much job to be done unless there can spent time on it, else i think will be killing

  3. Looks like everone you engaged has to be monitored closely. This is madness.

    And why did the JMC agree to retaining the RM is also beyond me. Care to explain? He has been here for over a yr and he has not done much surely you can disagree to have him back here or maybe you think he has done a good job, in which case, you should not be too unhappy with his not turning up for meeting.

    In short, I think the JMC has to be really strict. Dont perform , out you go. Get the consultants, contractors to give their proposal with time frame and let them keep to it. Sorry to be speaking out of my mind. I am just not very happy to see you guys upset over the RM when he has been there for over a yr and yet you retain him (perhaps thru the property consultant). You could have objected. I hope he will be more responsible and turn up for meetings. If he cant do that then how can he assist in any other way. We are like frogs in a boiling pot, not knowing we are doomed.

  4. hiii...

    i think better JMC terminate the RM n...get new want..can work.....and can perform....


  5. hi all,
    i guess we need to really identify the root cause of all these.It may be the JMC also don't really perform..(no offence ya)... I mean, if you want to really complaint then at the same time also help the RM to think about the solutions...Fingerpointing will never solve problems....

    Unless with full resources and enough staff to do all those tasks,with all enough resources still the RM failed, only then we can blame the RM for not doing his job.

    I guess the Chairman need to do something and work together with the RM - not clashing....
    And at the same time, RM also need to be as professional as he can to perform.

    This JMB vs RM issues happened everywhere..somewhere in Malaysia,got 1 incident whereby the RM always be blame for not performing...after thorough investigation it reveals that one of the committee member of the JMB got a personal intention to take over the management..thats why most of the time the RM got the blame...hehehehe....but thats purely business i guess......

  6. I don't think we have any clash with consulting company or what so ever, We only highlight all the information, and yes we retain the previous RM due to there experience with all the issue and owner in Park Avenue, hence we believe a lot issue have been known and can be solve easier. However those issue we highlighted is based on the proposal stated by CA Lim consulting firm.

    So far we didn't receive feedback on resource not enough or what so ever but i believe in anywhere also there is reporting procedure and preventive maintenance or auditing schedule. this is a basic working schedule also cannot have the status then is our right to voice out already.

  7. We use back the previous guys also have some point like dealing with MK, TNB we do consider this strong point only retain the previous RM, as everyone knew dealing with MK is not that simple. even the TNB, let see what is the CA Lim respond because already sent them the letter regarding all this issue

  8. Dear TL Wong

    The RM's job is not only dealing with TNB and MK. He has alot more to do. If that was a considered decision then the JMC should live with it, his role is mainly dealing with MK and TNB and does not require him being responsible turning up for meetings.

    In any case what c an he do with Mk and TNB that a new person cant?

    I think if the JMC has no manpower to run the place then use the money and employ another management company. CA Lim is only a consultant and will play that role. JMC still needs to run the place. If the JMC intends to run it on its free time then it will not work. By the time you realise it, the place will be so far down the drain you cant save it anymore.

    Maybe it is time you separate theaccounts for residential and commercial and let the commercial area close down permanently. Dont collect any money from them and let them rot. If you collect money from them then you are obliged to maintain that place.

  9. susah2 sgt take new RM la..


  10. hi anonymous,
    agreed RM job is more then MK and TNB that why we now push for the changes, btw i can highlight in TNB case there will keep on come and issue letter demand to cut the power supply and this become a headache case.

    Btw CA Lim payment not just include consultation based on their proposal there do place one site/admin manager in here, so this is the RM place from them as we expected them to work as per list down in their proposal.

    seperate the account for residential? mine to derived more on this, as i knew the TNB is attach to the block A meter, let me do a basic breakdown as per month collection is about 50k , 30k go to tnb , 6k for staff, 20k security and consulting,cleaning, landscape and pool not yet included in seem like not enough to cover all.

  11. Any update on the AUDITED account as per what they have promised?

  12. haven't receive any update from them yet, most likely I will get the update during tomorrow meeting
