Dear resident,
here some update for today on our building, there some work been carried on now to improve the surrounding area to the swimming pool side, hopefully we can continue this effort not just for the starting few month, all this must be put into a proper schedule such as preventive maintenance, work order for all the resident to see. I guess this is so call transparent :D
Here is those missing chair been place back in to the swimming pool side, i hope all resident will no spoil all this thing , t ry keep our pool side clean
this is the emergency stair case previously we posted in our last blog where is full of rubbish. now have been clean out, hope i don't see the same rubbish stacking up there again in the future
the hole from the saujana apartment have been seal off for now, at least there will be no kids come in to our condo area again.
there some life saving item been put back again for safety purpose
the chair in BBQ area also been put up again but water stain and the black color stain in there is rather disturbing , need to do something on this
the light and chair finally in place again, all resident is our duty now to keep this item in working condition .. don't spoil it again
well that all for today update to everyone, will keep all resident posted with what ever progress the JMC & the building manager have make so everyone can help to monitor all this thing again
Great to see such improvement... can we have the guard to be at the pool side to guard the chairs. Like old saying... when the cat off duty, there's when the mice come to attack...
ReplyDeletecan this be done?
Hi Anonymous ,
ReplyDeleteI will bring out this suggestion to the JMB to discuss on this , as at now there have 3 guard at each block , so i not yet knew in detail how is their clocking, will let everyone knew again if this is possible to implement back, as i recall last time do have a guard in that area.
how come what you guys posted in the blog is not the same as seen in poolside area ? as I pass by the poolside yesterday night it is still very dark, your report is not accurate as it may seem
ReplyDeleteTo all,
ReplyDeleteThis morning at 8.45 am, I saw somebody is using the hole (saujana apt fencing) which we had covered last few days. Surprisingly the one who use the hole is our landscape worker (wearing green shirt). He accessing to Saujana area to cut tree which is not reachable from P.A side, thus he went up to Saujana and cut from the other side. What I learnt here is the hole is not covered well and thats the reason why people still can use it as a shortcut.
Please look into this matter.
Let me compiled all this issue and report back to the RM again,seem like the misused is more from our service contractor.
ReplyDeleteThat pool look nicer now. Just need to ensure that it is well maintained. looking forward for the next meeting..insyaallah
siottol, kawat duri memang dah ikat elok, tapi ada orang pergi potong pakai gunting.
ReplyDeletesusah - susah tabur kaca aje kat laluan tu.. abih crite....
hi zul
ReplyDeleteseriously got people go sabotage like that ? my goodness what there are thinking, serious don't understand lah those people attitude
Dear all
ReplyDeleteSelagi mentaliti kelas ketiga berada pada fikiran penduduk Park Avenue ni, selagi itulah 'condo' nie akan kelihatan seperti kondo Rakyat di Pantai Dalam..
p/s: siottol-macam familiar je nama..:P
this one i totally no idea how to help already, just imagine all this area is your own home. do you throw rubbish everywhere at your home ?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the commercial areas and units? Any updates there? I am hoping that the JMC will enforce collection strictly on all owners both residential and commercial. I hope the JMC will also get the advice fr the property consultant on how to revive the commercial area. Hope someone can keep us informed on development in the commercial side n not let this place be forgotten. thanks
ReplyDeletehi Anonymous ,
ReplyDeletethe property consultant have review to come out with a plan on how to improve the commercial area, let see by end of this month if there have any update coming back from them.
Dear TL Wong
ReplyDeleteThanks for this news, I hope Mr Lim will come out with some form of rescue plan as we have been without any plan since day 1.
Most immediate plan I hope the JMC will carry out is to collect all the outstanding fees. I hope the law will be applied to its maximum intended use so as not to disavantage those who has been paying the fees. Personally I feel very frustrated to say the least. I have been paying but to see the place almost abandoned and to know that most owners are not paying makes me feel "cheated", if you know what I mean. The minority can Never support the rest; so please bring my thought to the JMC if you get a chance. If no strict action is taken against those who refused to pay then it is only fair to stop all collection from the rest of the commercial unit owners. What do you think? However, personally, I am willing to keep paying (although very reluctant) if and only if the JMC will do all it can to collect from the rest. Is my request fair?
let me bring out the detail to JMB, as i knew there will be a discussion held with all the owner soon to see the action plan, however now there still busy updating the contact as now alot of number cannot be contacted , which is slow down the progress
ReplyDeleteWell, I will wait to see if anything is done inthe near future. I dont think anyone can fault me if I stop paying in the future if nothing at all is done to collect from the errant owners. As I have told the previous management company, I dont mind being treated like a fool throwing good money after bad (as I am carrying out my part as per my SPA) if and only if the mgt does it part by going after the rest of the owners. If the rest of the non paying owners can get away without paying, then I should follow their foot steps.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, not having their contact number to me is no excuse as I too can change my number easily. I like to see when this Act 663 will really comeinto practise; ie having those units sealed!!!
If we are not prepared to go after the culprits then we should just seal the place up and stop all contribution. Whats the point of collecting sinking fund when the place has sunk? Anyway, I look forward to the JMC responding to this matter.
Cheers and thanks for bring it to their attention. I somehow feel this commercial side has been totally neglected.
let me see what is their respond on tomorrow meeting i will try to raise this question, if you free maybe can come to the JMC meeting also as we try to gather as much as info as possible, as at now we also don't have any representative from commercial area
ReplyDeleteI am afraid I am unavailable, out of the country. I do appreciate your feedback to them and I await their respond or your feedback.
just to add on... I think MK also need to play their role to make Damansara Damai another success story like Damansara Perdana...
ReplyDeleteFrankly speaking, do you think the commercial owner would want to pay when the shops are high in demand?
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying is right
"If the rest of the non paying owners can get away without paying, then I should follow their foot steps."
If we can't beat them, join them.
Hi Siottol
ReplyDeleteThats exactly what i am getting at. If pay or dont pay makes no difference, then I wish to know from the JMC why I should keep paying. I get a little satisfaction paying if and only if the rest of the owerns have to be heavily penalised for not paying. If they dont get penalise at all then I think i am prepared for the whole place to be forsaken. No point throwing good money after bad as they say.
So I look forward to the JMC response to this matter asap. September quarter payment should be soon and I will be on hold until i get some answers.
As for MK helping us out, we have to be relistic. Once MK has sold out the properties, they dont give two hoot. You die you die la, thats the attitude. Perdana they have no choice but to help out as they still have alot of properties to develop there.
ReplyDeleteI wish to know what steps the JMC will take to recover from the developer for service fees on the unsold units owened by them. Alot of unsold units there i gather. Call a press conference to put pressure is what I can think of.
Agreed. Pressure MK.
ReplyDeletefor the block C, there is still more then 70 unit of un sold from MK, in mean time we will wait for the 25/May the audit account from them, if any reason given is later then that JMB will issue legal letter
ReplyDeleteand out of 70 unit sold only 30 unit can be contacted, we need proposal on how to develop this area and also while mean time we will try chasing the C.A Lim consultant to come out with a solution to this block as well by next week there should have alot of feedback, please stay tune
Dear TL Wong
ReplyDeleteI hope you will get some proposal fr Mr Lim to revived this commercial project. Seriously, my thoughts are as follows:
1. contact whoever is contactable and get them to pay up;
2. those who cannot be contacted, take necessary action, legal or thru cob to seal ifin arrears for more than 6 months;
3. if you need to get approval from all owners on what to do then I c an tell you safely that this move will fail; you will never get everyone to agree.
4. once you have the proposal, just asked those who has paid to agree
5. if the JMC cannot come up with a proposal to revive this place, I seriuosly recommend that the whole place is sealed up; there is no point in collecting fees for a place that has failed.
6. find a way to pressure MK to assist us to make it a success. Without them, it is impossible. Every mgt co in the past has only talked about getting the owners to agree but if none of them can get all the owners to agree in the past, I dont think anyone can. Henry Butcher and B Rawson has failed. I think whatever proposal Mr Lim comes up with is better than none at all.
Anyway, lets see if anything will happen. By the way, when is Mr Lim coming up with his proposal?
I am waiting to see if the JMC will announce its plan to collect all the late fees that is long over due. I would greatly appreciate it if this matter is transparent. If no serious action is pending then the JMC should make it know and by being quiet on this matter, I will assume that this is the case.
ReplyDeleteI fully support a stronger action by JMC. So far, I have seen and heard and know that nothing serious has been taken. Pay or dont pay, it is ok. Just a little noise in the background. If this persist, then I will be the next in line; no need to pay anymore. Till today, i have been making noise. Making noise since Henry Butcher days and still the same. All the management company wants is for me to keep paying like a stupid fool whilst the majority looks on and laugh at me. I have heard alot of assurances but I can vouch that they are all for show only. To make fools pay up and let the culprits go free.
Please prove me wrong and announce the steps and actions being undertaken to collect all those in arrears.
Thanks in advance dear JMC. I look forward to your official announcement on this matter. If you cant collect money from the majority, youcan forget about any proposal as one knows you cant run a show with no money!
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeletethe proposal from CA Lim is mainly to help those owner on how to fully utilized their unit, i clearly understand your frustration on others owner whom doesn't pay up the maintenance fees which same goes to the residential unit as well. As at today JMB already have a appointed a legal panel to help us to issue legal letter to all this defaulter (even the developer will not run away from this) but prior to this we still need to have a good round of discussion with everyone.
Dear TL Wong
ReplyDeleteWith due respect given to you and the JMC, I think the legal letter does not have to wait for a round of discussion with everyone. It should have gone out more than a yr ago. In any case, I guarantee that most wont turn up so it is a waste of time. The only way to wake up defaulters is to hurt their pocket. I bet you they will jump up when it goes to court. I am also certain with demand letters, most hard core defaulters will throw it away. and I am certain MK will not be even worried.
what is the discussion going to achieve? Those who has not paid will give you a million and one reason why they should not. In fact, I also have alot of reason why I should not be paying (other than I am obliged to). Lets assume the majority agrees that they have valid reasons not to pay. Does it mean the JMC will keep the legal letter of demand in abeyance?
I think the JMC can rightfully call a meeting to discuss all issues but this legal demand letter should go out now. Lets move things faster and concurrently. Like I said before, I am happy (oh well, not happy but can live with it), if the commercial area is just sealed up entirely. Just make sure the collection stops for all to be fair and then seal it up. The JMC has my vote on this as well if it does not pursue the defaulters with greater urgency. No point throwing good money after bad, really. I am serious and not being sacarstic. If we want to save it then do it all the way. Otherwise, let it lay in death bed for good. One point to note: it will be most, I say MOST unfair if the JMC continues to collect only from the minority owners if it does nothing about the defaulters. They will be in breach of certain conduct.
As for Mr Lim trying to help owners to use own units. I think this option is not viable. Most owners are investors only. They wont be using it personally. They are for renting. I think this can be concluded years back. No need to revisit this, dont you think so. Or does anyone in the JMC really believe that the majority of owners will be end users?
Dear TL Wong
ReplyDeleteMy alternative proposal is to follow what was done inTropics in D Perdana. That is cut out all facilities requiring electricity and then reduce the service fees and sinking fund accordingly. As the mgt has been switching off the air cond and escalator, the fees should also be reduced. 30 sen per sq ft and 20 per sq ft for sinking fund is too much for a place where there is noair cond and no escalator. I proposed to be fair, determine how much is required for security and cleaning and the rate should just cover these expenses for the moment. Perhaps more will pay up. What do you think?
I agreed with anonymous above. Finally we have lot of solutions given and JMC should really consider all these voices.
ReplyDeleteFocus on the major root cause as highlighted by anonymous, only then PA would have a better place.
since day one, everyone is complaining no money, therefore, use this as final resolution to improve the fund.
once JMC have the fund, then those small matters can be resolved such as cleaner, rubbish, security... etc.
I support the above. Unless JMC have other thoughts. Do u?
Dear Anonymous
ReplyDeleteall the idea will be compiled and bring out to the disccusion for the next action plan, i understand everyone need immediate impact and so do we as the resident owner, we want everything to solve instantly and yet we need to compliance to the act and law, let me clearified some issue in here so at least everyone will understand also what we are doing
legal letter to those defaulter
1. we need the full account and information transfer from BR which is by 25/May there will undertake to deliver the report . reason been is we need the actual amount and information stated.
2. we need to compiled all the updated information even you want to sue them also need to have a address which able to receive, am i right
3. If you asking why we need to compiled everything at once go, as now JMB only have a panel lawyer which service us on case by case charges,that the reason we need the information
and on the issue of renting and own use for the block C, that why the consulting management want to sit down with all the respective "investor" to have a solid plan how to develop the area, is no point in leaving the whole place empty, where investor also not interested in doing anything about it and when come to maintenance fees all arguement come out
lastly i hope all block C owner can at least come join us in JMC discussion to help sort out the problem together. i believe consulting management now is not just try to recover all the sinking fund and services fee, their even go one step futher is to help all the investor to build up their respective shot lot values well, at least that what the feedback I receive from the CA Lim , well correct me if im wrong on this. we are all here to share some thought and idea
btw on the fees reduced I can bring it up again on next meeting, but even for now the income also not able to cover expenses .. you guys for sure will asking what is the expenses this and that, please stay tune there will be update on every month to show the figure and JMB would like to have a transparent operation to everyone at.
ReplyDeleteWhen I suggest fee reduction, i am assuming that nothing is beingdone there. In which case, you dont need cleaner, you dont need security, and you surely dont need tnb. Jst locked up the whole place and have one or two security at best. Preferably dont even have security and let the place be damaged and then claim insurance. Is this not better than asking only the minority to pay?
ReplyDeleteIf you say that we must have the address before we can issue demand letter, i think you need to check with lawyer. Maybe there is a provision to send to last known address. If you are required to know latest adress b4 you can issue letter then you are doomed to fail. How in the worl dto find latest address? I am sure you wont know mine as well right?
Let the lawyer do their work fast.
Now my question is as follows:
does BR and H Butcher not owe us a reasonable care? If they do then I wish to know why they did not issue any demand letter? I wish to find out if they took any action to recover those arrears.
Anyway, I am geting tired on the place. I will most probably not continue paying until I see some action. No one knows where I lve after all. In any case, I am up to date and there will be alot of defaulters way ahead of me.
Btw, I am not blaming the JMC, pls dont get me wrong.I will have to see if they do anything or will they be like before.
Thanks for bring my suggestion to the jMC. I have broght them to HB and BR before. The bottom line is the JMC is too darn poor to even chase after the defaulters.
Last straw would be to lock up the whole place and give keys only to those who has paid. If the ACT 663 has no teeth then tell the cob, callthe press and pressure the developer.
Dear Anonymous ,
ReplyDeletei think your suggestion on claim insurance will be disaster event. Anyway i knew everyone is frustrated even i get frustrated when every night i have to hear band playing drum on the roof due to the water tank pump spoil, WTH how come those thing spoil already for so long no action been done. Imagine i paying maintenance fees and sinking fund without fail for the pass 3 years in here.
now BR and HB already hand over mean there will not answer to us anymore,i don't knew what happen previously with all your complain been totally ignore or forgotten, but as now the JMB keep on pushing on those issue to be updated by management every week and status so at least everyone knew what happen.
However i also will be interested to knew what is their action toward this whole year why not action been done,let me ask the RM..since he is still here i wondering also why ........
Dear TL Wong
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing all these asking and follow up work with the JMC. I do look forward to some feedback..
I dont know how much the maintenance/sinking fund fees are for residential, but for commercial it is 30 sen and 20 sen respectively. If I may say, this amount is quite high for a dead place. Itis indeed high for a place where the escalator is switched off, for air cond switched off and even lighting off.
Let us hope they will come out with action plan in the near future. If no action plan but talk only then it is habised.