Monday, July 6, 2009

Progress Update 30/June/2009

Dear all,
1 of July make another history been make in Park Avenue at last we have our own security guard to maintain our building safety, but with the new guard in place also put in more burden to the office to ensure monthly collection able to cover all staff salary, as at 1 of July the total staff expenses will reach 30k this will be not a small amount, I hope all owner can start to clear of their outstanding payment. As at now progress have been make by the JMC based on resident feedback and rectified all the problem.

However there still a lot of progress need to be done, one of them will be intercom, this little machine have been out for sometimes now, and you will be surprised this little machine not even in place inside the guard post where is it gone to ? I don't knew . Anyway if any resident whom knew or supplier intercom product please feel free to inform us.

Please feel free to download the minute of meeting in to see all the status on the progress, let me knew if you required more update and information . Will try my best to provide the information


  1. Until and unless the JMC shows it means business, there is no urgency to pay up as there are too many people who have not. By the time their letter reaches those not payng currently, it will be 2010.

    Not paif to collect from those who have been paying when you have not collected fr those errant owners.

  2. I mean not fair to collect fr the rest when the errant ones have not paid

  3. please be ensure our credit controller is concentrating now, collecting back all the bad debts. While collecting bad debt we still need to run the operation, impossible you only concentrate in this area only, I hope you get my point and I'm paying owner as well I do want to see a healthy account in the trust fund. If we didn't do anything beside collecting them owner will start to make excuses not to pay, then that time even worst

  4. Dear Mr Wong

    Appreciate it if you can show us block by block basis the amount outstanding as at 1 April and how much the JMC has collected from its effort thus far.

    Eg amount billed to date and amount collected to date. It would be interesting to monitor how effective the measures taken have been.


  5. With due respect, I have heard about collection from day 1 but till today I am still hearing the same story from different management. Looks like I have been paying whilst the errant owners have been enjoying my money for free. I too wish to see concrete actions , stern actions taken immediately; not just LOD.

  6. I believe most of the resident able to see the collection posting in the notice board as well, we are transparent everything is stated out how is the performance on the collection is devastating. I will get the summary and uploaded in here as well.

  7. Thanks in advance for uploading the collection and outstanding in this forum as some of us do not live in PA and cant read it if posted in the notice board.

  8. Job well done for least now we can see our guard has some quality.
    Well Done.
    Keep it up and hopefully Park Avenue will prosper.

    Mr MOJO....

  9. JMC... I noticed some changes and i really hope RM published what have been done and if possible please take picture of the work done.

    Thanks for fixing the commercial lift lights.

  10. Anything done to improve the retail areas or are we letting this place die a slow and torturous death? Can we promote this place?

  11. Ya, most owners in retail will not pay if they cant rent out, well, most humans wont. So can we get some help fr the JMC?

  12. Just some info, the management office is getting in some kiosk into the max value area to pump the crowd during Ramadan season, I hope it can me materialize and able to improve block C as now the block A & B problematic area have been resolve most of it

  13. By only introducing mobile kiosks, you only generate some income for the management to operate. It does not help the retail unit owners very much. Owners cannot match the rent you charge for the kiosks. In fact, you may be creating competition for the owners. Their units will not be rented that way. Please reconsider. Benefit must first be for the owners, not generate income for the management.

    I suggest if you can bring in some traders, the first option should be given to the owners of units at a rent acceptable to both traders and owners. This option, I have not heard being considered. I only see kiosks set up to compete against owners. Is this acceptable? Is there not a comflict of interest?

  14. I may suggest JMC to call up all those block C owners.
    Get their agreement on the rental rates that is reasonable.Then go promote to the world...

  15. Agreed. Let's promote the commercial block..

  16. When can we have a dialog session with all the JMC & Management?

    Hope Bro Wong can arrange the session.

    Jacko's Fan

  17. I think after this month this will be the 3 month the new management office running, by that time then we can have the dialog and kpi reviews.

  18. Dear all...
    Commercial unit is major problem in the Damansara Damai Area not only in PA.

    We try to get the owners to sit down and discus in this matter...The issue is:-

    1) No coperation for the owner it self... by the way their own property maa.. if the owner dont care...Who will?????

    on Last AGM... Only 01 (one) owner, from 164 property..attend the meeting.

    2) The rental price for the property is decided by the owners NOT the JMC or Management Team... We have proposed to them(owners) about the Current rental value... But the price still consider Higher for this pity prorpety..(for record RM 1.00 for 1 FT).
    Average RM 800 ++ per unit... Any suggestion???

    3)My suggestion is Why dont the owners of Block C form the society / club for their own benefit....then the representative of the club will work together with PAC-JMC for any fair to JMC and the management.

    Any way i think ,PAC-JMC will fully cooperate with any SERIUS block c owners.

    1 thing to remember in your SNP aggrement not stated that you have to pay the maintanance charges untill your property accupied...Am i right???? as your lawyer. PAC- JMC will help you and your property IF You work for your property first....FOR FREE.

    Thank You for your Time...

    Jangan cakappp.. saje, anda boleh mengubahnye...

    -Jacko punye abang Sedara-

  19. I am suggesting all Block C owners to sit down and appoint a representative among them and become the JMC committee.
    Then all of them need to have the same voice and an agreeable rental rates.
    This action will foster the attractiveness of Block C. Worst come to worst owner still have to pay their installment but it is better if their place is occupied although the amount is not enough...Better than nothing i guess...
    So, think and do not just wait until your unit will go rotten.

  20. I think this is a good idea as well, as at now no representative from block C, If i'm the owner i also feel pain lah do serve the loan every month like that but as I knew block C might be investor not so sure there will be committed like resident in block A & B

  21. Mr wong

    jmb is managing and mantaining the building only... not more that that scope.

    block c owner must sit down with the developer for purpose of building up block c, but not jmb yaaa..

    whatever it is, maintenance charges must be paid by all owner with no excuse, unless prove otherwise pursuant to S&P and DMC.


    -no hurt feeling-

  22. that is how it should be, that why block C ownner need to sit down and disucss also hwo to bring up the area , else their investment will be gone wasted

  23. Better to start with the legal action or in alternative to refer to COB MBPJ for collecting this charges. However, i come to understand that MBPJ is unable to take recovery action against the errant owners who have failed to pay the maintenance charges due to their lack of manpower.

    I suggest to take action by issuing court summons to the errant owner.

    When JMB is to start with the legal action? we have our panel solicitors, so please instruct the panel.

    thank you

  24. Dear Mr. Wong...kita punya shade coverwalk dari blok ke blok dah tak berfungsi...bocor teruk...bila hujan..kita yang lalu dibawahnya pun basah kuyup...

    apa guna ada coverwalk kalau nak pegi blok ke blok pun basah kuyup?..takde rasa nak repair ke??

    Duit maintenance dah bayar tiap bulan....


  25. Will inform this to the maintenance office in the next meeting but will need quotation first from multiple supplier to evaluate the costing

  26. Mr Wong,

    kalau quotation dari Precious TA baik tak payah buat. Membazir duit penduduk Park Avenue aje.

    Tak pe lah, basah pun basah lah...


  27. Dear Mr Wong

    As owner of a unit of commercial retail lot, I have spoken to Henry Butcher, I have spoken to BR. Now some people are suggestng I sit down and talk? Talk about what and talk to who? I already said I can rent at RM1 per sq ft so many times but it has been all talk only. If management cant help, just say so. Dont say sit down and talk. Management said I should sit and talk to other owners. Do you think it is possible? Most owners are not even paying the fees so they wont come up to talk. Management should help out owners in this area. If not, I strongly suggest, the do not manage this place. let this place be sealed up once and for all. Pointles throwing good money after bad. Dont you agree?

  28. Dear Farrah,
    why you are so angry with Precious TA?...BTW Who is Precious TA ?....Anyway, there are things that need to be repaired but thats depends on the money that JMC has...Money Talks....but why u angry with TA?...

    Mr Owner Block C,
    you do not have choices anyway...Its not the issue of meeting after meeting..Its more like the issue of getting tenant for your unit.
    In fact it is not the responsibility of JMC to find a tenant for you..Its you that responsible to find a tenant.At least JMC has open some space to help you guys...Maintenance and finding tenant is totally different isssue.Think before you talk sometimes its the best action.

    -Mr MOJO 200%-

  29. Mr Mojo 200%

    I think already before I spoke. I think you NO NO think at alll as you do not have any idea of the original agreement between the developer and the buyers of retail units.

    For example, do you know that the developer's staff (meaning the developer) told us that they will get us tenant for our shops and to get tenants at 6k a month rent is NO problem?

    I dont think you are aware of such verbal gurantees. So you see, you speak like you know alot but you make assumptions when you have Zero idea of the marketing deception used by the developer who now act as though nothing happens.

    If the JMC cannot help out then I suggest the JMC do not manage this area. It is for theirown good right? After all, most are not paying their fees. so I say just let it rot.

  30. bro.. please don't talk cock..

  31. Mr owner block c...

    Please cool down ...
    Thats why your unit not have any tenant...
    Your temperature easily increase...
    Let us some discussion here...
    1) Who u angry with?
    ...Developer? Then u enter the wrong Blog my friend....Go and maki your liar sales person...If you talk in here Who cares?
    ...JMC/ management/MPPJ/KLCC/MIC/MCA/MPAJA....
    you NAME IT... You are wasting your time...and OUR other word You are useless and stupid....Oppsstersasul temperature pun dah naik...So jaga...cik Salmah bukan anda sorang saja yang tahu marah...Hantap lu punya kapala baru tau...

    Satu kali lagi u masuk salah Blog...Ayat yang lebih syahdu akan menyusul...

    2) How much you pay for JMC as a commission to find the tenant for your unit??? 25%....then thinking bofore talk k..

    Our JMC have many thing to do...

    If you have extra money...then hire your own Agent to find tenant for your unit...

    ok then...Sleep tide k..
    Chow..chin ..chow..

    -Radio Era-

  32. That Good Idea..Terimalah hakikat..

  33. hua...hua...hua....


  34. I think everyone have to work together as a whole team, we help each other out to improve thing, what happen done in previous management is old story

  35. To those who think it is not necessary to help or assistht the retail lots owners, you have a right to your opinion. If you think I am talking cock, it is fine by me. But to the JMC members, please indicate your views. I am not forcing you to help either; just requesting and if you think it is appropriate to help, pls speak out. If you dont think you can help, pls say so as well. Never did I say it is your job to help, so lets be clear on this issue.

    To property agent, i have nothing good to say to you. i will stop talking cock, you best shut your gap as well. You can give any proposal, then keep quiet.

    Radio Era, i think you miss my point.

    Dear Mt Wong, please give my request for assistance some thoughts.

    By the way, a few of the owners of retail units may help you guys who own condo there to get your units to appreciate faster. We may just decide to sell coffin as it is not prohibited in our SPA. You might like that idea since you so smart.

  36. Mr Wong,

    farrah rasa elok jugak kita bantu retail unit. Farrah kesian tengok depa tu asyik duk bayar loan tapi takdak income...

    JMC tentu bole anjurkan program untuk majukan Park Avenue... pi la pakat dengan MK... buatlah sesuatu. Season square la ni pun dah naik.

    Farrah cadangkan, kumpulkan owner retail, buat dialog. Mungkin, owner retail lot bole bagi sewa murah2 untuk 6 bulan. Buat advertisement besar2.

    Bergaduh & kutuk mengutuk bukanlah jalan terbaik untuk kita maju...

    Betul tak abg wong?

    Ikhlas dari

  37. Betul lah cik farah..

    Abang setuju 200% dengan cadangan ni, nanti kita berbincang lanjut masa meeting ya...

    Abang akan usahakan sedaya upaya...

    Salam dari Abang,..

    -Unit JMC-

  38. As owner there, I am willing to rent out at RM 1 per sq ft. This I have informed all previous and current management but so far I have heard from the very beginning. ie henry B time till now that we need to call for a meeting with owners. This will NEVER happen. Most owners there are not paying and could not be bothered. If the management is serious, help those who have paid their fees. I have paid and have agreed to RM 1 per sq ft. management fees itself is RM 0.50. Perhaps if I may suggest, suspend the sinking fund for the time being. No rent for more than 3 yrs so how to keep paying? I only hope some help can be given.

    by the way, no need to lecture me on my responsibility. i have kepy my part all these years. I am only asking for help. AAnd of course i get upset when i hear the call for meeting with owners to discuss as i have heard this mentioned like forever but this is all but talk. When will there be any action to really help?

    As I mentioned in earlier post, by renting out kiosk on the ground floor, the JMC is only helping itself. It wil give the JMC some money but how will it help the owners upstairs? Before you start renting out kiosks, should you not start helping theowners to rent out their units? I am willing to rent out at the same price of the kiosks. Perhaps partitioned out the my unit and r ent to few kiosks. If you rent kiosks, who is going to rent out my unit?

    Other shopping centres only rent out kiosks because their units are fully occupied.

    Please consider your actions to help yourself and help retail lots owners first before renting out kiosks.


  39. Sori abang unit, nama I farrah..... bukan farah.

    I tak suka attend meeting... bosan..kalau dating okay laa.


  40. jmc is only helping for the owners block c but it is not commitment ya..

    we shall deal the matter with the developer, anyhow we welcome any owner from block c to be representavive in the jmb meeting. Any body?

    -jmc units-

  41. Dear all,
    We all are grown up adult, so try to work together to bring in prosperities, all this is give and take.

    As matter a fact we already suggest to the maintenance office to focus on two issue now which is block c + collection, there working torward to help solve those problem in the retail unit.

  42. Dear TL Wong

    It is interesting to know that maintenance is focusing on two issues, collections and solving problems.

    Could you kindly let us know what steps the JMC has been taking to help the retail areas?

    In the past years, owners do not pay as they cant r ent so I presume to help out, the maintenance is trying to help them rent out. How does maintenance help in such matter and do they have the network and skills to do so? When the JMC decided to manage this place, they have decided that there is no need for a management company. management is more, much more than just maintenance.

    How does JMC propose to manage the retail areas?

    Getting the lights fixed, lifts fixed, cleaning and security is all but maintenance. If the JMC is not able or does not have the manpower to manage this retail area, employ a management company. Retail unit owners pay RM0.50 not just for maintenance, it is for management. Air cond and lights are switched off. Toilets are not well cleaned and maintained. So how do you justify the RM 0.50? Surely we can expect some form of management or am I wrong? I have many questions for the JMC. Initially, they wanted to employ a third party consultant but this did not work out so the JMC decided to go on its own. This is fine by me but please tell me how you plan to do so. So far I have only read that it is not NOT, the JMC role to help the retail units!!! Are you sure this is management? If you do not plan to help at all, I suggest you do not maintain it as well. Do not collect fees as it is not fair to do so.

    Retail owner

  43. Dear retail owner,

    seem like you put all burden to the management?, we are tyring very hard voluntartly to change the management after henry butcher, burgess rawson and c a lim failed to do so.....

    However, what is the action taken by the retail owner..? i personally dont see this and even no commitment among yourself, you should get unite voluntarily!!!..

    by right the retail owner should involve in the management (JMC) so that you know what is the headache.. we welcome you to join..and we are waiting..but till now no body has turn up (except few people with no rights to vote) even in the annual general meeting held recently...

    dont simply comment in the blog and at the same time you yourself are doing nothing..who are you to expect us as condominium owners to do all this things for the sake of all retail unit owners, bare in mind the developer also one of the culprit in the block c....

    We admit that the problems are ours to solve(as parcel owners), and as such we are doing the best as we can only in the adminstration and management pursuant to the executed S&P, deed of mutual covenants, the Act 663 etc...

    we welcome you to join the jmb meeting (with attendance of the developer) and you will be be informed in next few days on this in the blog...and you can raise all the issues pertaining with block c specifically...

    -no hurt feelings-
    JMB Units

  44. Dear Retail owner,

    Just one more to add...

    Do you know Hendry Butcher, Burgess rawson and C A Lim is a licenced management company?

    -no hurt feelings-
    JMB units

  45. Somehow the retail owner is right.
    JMC need also to do something to help them out.
    But by not paying the maintenance fees is a total NO NO and very wrong (as it is stated in yr agreement to pay it).
    Like others said, most of the owners are basically buying the unit solely based on the high expectation and 'heaven' hope by the sales person.Of course the sales person is basically also doing his/her job very well ie selling.
    so if everybody is correct, then who to blame?!!!..Owners still need to pay their bank loan...same as JMC,they still have to pay the contractors? can blaming each other BUT as long as you DON'T blame the GOD then i guess there are still solution for this....


  46. Dear Mojo and JMB Unit

    I agree with both of you in a way. This is firstly not a blame game. If anyone is to blame it is the developer for misleadng promises by its sales staff. Well, buyers beware is all I can tell myself.

    I know H Butcher and BR as well as CA LIm are licenced mgt company. First of all, they are the experts and they have failed. By them failing, it does not mean the JMC can say hey, experts also fail, how to expect us to do it? This should not be the reason, dont you think so?

    Secondly, JMB Units, you need to define "management". Management of Park Ave is NOT purely maintenance activity. Promoting is also another aspect. If you refer to the SPA as you did, it said that promoting Park Ave Retail is one of the aspect of management. So you see, I am still waiting for management to promote this retail area.

    JMC has decided to undertake the management of PA after having bad experience from both HB and BR. That is understandable. By undetaking this mammoth task, the JMC has brought upon itself to manage the retail areas as well. Please check the SPA if you dont believe me. Promoting the retail area is one aspect that has been neglected by previous management companies. Does the JMC plan to fail us retail owners as well? One thing for certain, both HB and BR did make some promises to look into promoting retail areas. BR did more than HB but both failed. Now the story is different from the JMC. JMC is washing its hands in promoting this. By doing so it is saying it will not perform one of the duties we retail units owners should expect. Failing after having tried to promote the place is one thing, not thinking that it is the responsibility of the mgt to promote this place is another matter. Once the JMC/mgt thinks it is not their responsibility, we are confirmed DOOMED. Hence, it is my firm view that if the JMC/mgt is of the opinion that it is not their duty to promote the retail areas, I will cease to continue paying the fees for this reason. Furthermore, I have raised my concern that the JMC is renting out kiosks to derive income. This is in direct competition with retail owners. When there are so many empty units available for rent, how can the JMC/mgt rent out kiosks? I am still waiting for Mr Wong to respond on this issue after he brings it up with the JMC (I am hoping he does).

    I hope both of you can see where i am coming from. To set the records straight, I am NOT demanding, I am merely asking the JMC to reconsider their actions (in renting out kiosks to derive income is competing with us) and inaction (not promoting the retail areas as it appears to be their opinion that it is not their responsibility). Use the network strength as you had in securing operators to rent your kiosks to rent our units; thats the correct move.

    Thanks for sharing your views. I do appreciate feedback and thoughts of condo owners.

    One more thing; it is impossible to get retail owners to meet together.They are one hopeless lot. They wont show their faces as most have not paid their fees. So my suggestion to the JMC/mgt is to help those who have paid their dues. At least you are helping those who have honoured their part despite not having any rent for so many yrs. Is this too much to ask fr the JMC/mgt? I think not after all so few of us are paying. Hence, you only need to help us get tenants. Oh, please dont think I have not tried to get my place tenanted. People come and see it so empty and they run away. I cannot get otehr owners to work together as I dont even know who they are. Therefore, it is only the mgt that can help the few of us. Once you show that you can help, i am sure the rest will start paying. For now, I wait with abated breadth.


  47. I think this is new for me as well regarding the SPA term, but i guess if there is concern raise and within our jurisdiction to act, I think we can bring up the issue. Well as condo owner will be always think on their own side only, that why is good to have retail owner sharing idea as well and no harm to have the management office to try out the promoting as well, end of the day we all are the owner whom like to bring up this Park Avenue, I will compiled all feedback and bring up to discussion let see what we can achieve from there

  48. Dear Mr Wong

    Thanks for your consideration and for the effort in bringing up this matter to the JMC for review. I know as a matter of fact that most of the retail lot owners are not involved in this feedback for one reason or another. For a start, most of them are not even paying their dues, so perhaps they feel shy to even bring up managment matters.I dont want to speculate their reasons but I would like to give you as much feedback and my views on things if at all possible to improve our lot there (especially mine, honestly speaking). But by caring for my own interest, I do hope it will improve everyone's interest as well. Can we not imagine a more lively place, filled with activities when retail areas is booming? The whole d evelopment will be in demand.

    One thing which I seriously am concern and I have also raised this before to BR is the renting out of kiosks when there are numerous empty lots available. First right of refusal should be given to owners who have paid their dues to have their unit rented out at competitive rate to help bost the place. Of course the owners cannot expect to receive a high rent. a few humdred ringgit is a good start. I am sure one unit can fit a few kiosks if the management is willing to help organise.

    To be honest with you, I would be glad to be more involved (rather than being an internet critic) if I am in the country but alas,I am not, hence I only can write and hope for people like yourself who can assist.

    I dont know if BR was only interested in deriving extra income when they rent out the kiosks but they did not try to rent out any of the retail lots but I thing I was made aware of was there were enquiries to rent a kopitiam outlet but BR set very difficult conditions until the prospective tenant was fed up and went elsewhere. Is this good management? Beggers also demanding and setting high standards till no one rents the place. Can you begin to understand the frustration of that particular unit owner's feeling when the tenant went away? Most frustrating. There are people who wants to rent for food business but we have to be realistic and not demand them having to instal top end exhaust system; this is after all Park Ave in Damai not USA. No one dares to try out their food outlet if we continue to be so difficult and in the end, we will all suffer the same fate. I hope the JMC will seriously consider my input and be able to assist retail owners one way or another so that we can continue to pay our dues. Realistically speaking, after paying the loan instalments, not many owners will be paying management fees when there is no management services other than maintenance. If the JMC is not able to provide this service, please consider engaging someone who can look into this matter. otherwise, I think the JMC is neglecting the retail owners (paying or not paying owners).

    Again, thanks for looking into this Mr Wong

  49. In that case, JMC need to hire 1 more staff to promote retail units. it is fair to current RM to cover all area (+ promoting retail units) with his current salary compare with what JMC paid to mgmt agent before?

    If same rate, the current RM must follow like what mgmt agent job scoop. if the rate much more cheaper, what do u all think?

  50. Dear all retail owner..

    why dont u all open a new committee like JRO (join retail owner) then conduct weekly meeting like what Block A & B owner did.

    Contribute among u all and hire 1 RM (retail manager) to promote like what u all dreaming..

    Then your RM will liase or permenantly work in mgmt office to settle JRO problem..but make sure your RM is a lady. must pretty & sexy la.. hehe... no choice..

  51. You guys are missing the point. Park Ave is to be managed by a management company but now that the JMC has decided to take over the role, my simple question is are they suppose to manage the retail area?

    If they are not suppose to manage this place then dont collect the money fr us. Simple as that. Now you tell me what "manage" encompasses? The JMC calls the shot now. Whether the retail owners are contributing or not is a separate matter. Does it mean if the retail owners are not united, the JMC who is now managing the place not requird to manage it? Like I said, it is ok if the JMC does not want to manage this place, I wont blame them at all. Just dont collect the fees. In any case, there is nothing to lose really as most of the retail owners are not paying any.

  52. this will be a big decision to call a stop to the current retail unit, i believe you have voice out your opinion, but what about the current business running in the retail, is this what their wanted ? we don't knew for sure

  53. dear retail owner

    what do u understand about maintenance fees? where the money suppose to go, what JMC job funtion? why do u must pay?

    lets me explain to u last & for all, if u refer to Act 663 JMB can only manage & maintain "joint property", in bahasa melayu "harta bersama".what do u understand about "harta bersama"?

    this is what "harta bersama" are..
    1) Common Area
    - guardhouse,refuse chamber,riser
    rooms/M&E,street & garden,landscape,
    fountain,perimeter drain,fencing,roads
    within the parcel & etc
    2) Common Facilities
    - Swimming pool,gym,common toilets,children
    playground,hall,reading room,squash,surau
    & etc
    3) M & E
    - lift/escalator,lighting,firefighting
    service & equipment,CCTV,intercom,barrier
    gate,access card,control room,aircond
    system,tel/matv,LV room,exhaust system,
    pump house,water system,plumbing,
    generator set & etc..

    is there mention about your dream?

    i advise u to read up Akta Hakmilik Stara 1985 (Akta 318) & Akta Bangunan & Harta Bersama 2007 (Akta 663) before u blame JMB & Mgmt Office not functioning. dont simply talking cock about "JMB dont collect fees", if u or anybody dont want to pay the fees,its up to u. the end of the day, u are the want who suffer when Strata title out.

    If u want to blame the developer about your dream, juz go ahead but u better read Akta Pemajuan Perumahan 1966 (Akta 118) first before u kena "hentam" back..

    take a break, drink some coffee & think back..

    - non-panel lawyer -

  54. Mr Smart Guy? You dont talk to me about common area like you know everything. My common area has not been turned on. Do you understand that?

    2. is there mention of my dream?

    No idea what you are talking about. Pls elaborate. My dream is not yours to concern. My concern is for JMC to consider. I believe the JMC having taken up the role to manage P Ave must manage the retail area as well. You Mr Smart guy only talks about maintenance. You have not understood my concern. You have not read the SPA we have with developer as well. First thing you should read is the title of Act 663. Let me just write it out for you to read in case you are too busy looking for it.

    Building and Common Propert (Maintenance and Management)Act 2007

    I hope you can read it encompasses MANAGEMENT as well, not just maintenance which you have parroted out above. My only concern is MANAGE. What does it encompass? Please check with those profesionals who manage retail outlets before sharing your mind so freely.

    Lastly, if bloggers want to comment on my post, it is fine by me but if you want to be sacarstic then I will be as direct as possible to comment on your views.

    My question to the JMC is to consider your role and advise us if you are able to manage this retail area. I think so far, you are at best maintaining the retail area. You have not managed it. Like I said before, previous professional companies have failed but it does not give you an excuse not to perform given that you decided to take up the management role instead of appointing another professional company. Note: the JMC has been managing the condo areas well given the circumstances but what have they done so far to manage the retail areas (other then trying to collect over due fees)? MANAGING a retail outlet is difficult even for the experts. Can the JMC do it or has the JMC left it on auto pilot?

    Retail Owner

  55. Mr Smart Guy and Mr Wong

    Let me first address Mr Wong

    1.How many current business running in that place? I have NO problem for JMC to manage the retail area so long as the JMC manages it, not just maintain the place. Like I have said so many times before, managing is more than just maintenance. I stand corrected. No other management company I am aware of that manages a retail area only provides maintenance services.

    2. those running the business there, are they paying?

    3. if the JMC wants to manage this place, then do so in all aspect.

    To the Mr Smart Guy

    1. you think you are the only one who has read Act 663. You are entitled to assume you are smart but dont assume that I am dumb.

    Since you want to teach me about common area or common facilities, I would also like to enlighten you that alot of those common areas you mentioned are not common areas as far as retail owners are concern. However, since you think you are that smart, I wont tell you much more except you go check on the definition of common area ( has to be an area where retail owners are entitled to use, ok). Now in your smart mind, are we allowed to use your pool or your staircase area. Are we allowed to use or to even access your beautiful landscape pool side? You should read the definition, it is up front.

    As far as retail owners are concern, one of our common area is the whole Retail area that has to be projected as one. Are our escalators operational? OK, you switch it off to cut costs. Lightings are not even switched on. What about common area air cond? Off again. Well, most are not paying so you cut cost and turn them off. Understandable. But do you understand how I feel Mr Smart Guy? You dont talk to me about common area like you know everything. My common area has not been turned on. Do you understand that?

    2. is there mention of my dream?

    No idea what you are talking about. Pls elaborate. My dream is not yours to concern. My concern is for JMC to consider. I believe the JMC having taken up the role to manage P Ave must manage the retail area as well. You Mr Smart guy only talks about maintenance. You have not understood my concern. You have not read the SPA we have with developer as well. First thing you should read is the title of Act 663. Let me just write it out for you to read in case you are too busy looking for it.

    Building and Common Propert (Maintenance and Management)Act 2007

    I hope you can read it encompasses MANAGEMENT as well, not just maintenance which you have parroted out above. My only concern is MANAGE. What does it encompass? Please check with those profesionals who manage retail outlets before sharing your mind so freely.

    Lastly, if bloggers want to comment on my post, it is fine by me but if you want to be sacarstic then I will be as direct as possible to comment on your views.

    My question to the JMC is to consider your role and advise us if you are able to manage this retail area. I think so far, you are at best maintaining the retail area. You have not managed it. Like I said before, previous professional companies have failed but it does not give you an excuse not to perform given that you decided to take up the management role instead of appointing another professional company. Note: the JMC has been managing the condo areas well given the circumstances but what have they done so far to manage the retail areas (other then trying to collect over due fees)? MANAGING a retail outlet is difficult even for the experts. Can the JMC do it or has the JMC left it on auto pilot?

    Retail Owner

  56. One more thing Mr Smart Guy, go read Section 8 and 23. You will notice that the Body is empowered to collect fees in 8 and in 23 you will notice the reson for the purchasers to pay those fees.

    Basically the fees are collected for and for the purposes of maintaining and managing Mr Smart guy have talked alot of maintaining. Do you think that RM 0.50 per sq ft is small sum? To me you will not get the majority to pay this sum for the follwoing reasons:

    1. no rental (not the fault of the JMC i admit but it is practical reason);

    2. this 50 sen is for maintaining common area air cond, lighting and escalator (most are not switched on);

    3. for managing this place (what management have we seen so far);

    4. managing agent should promote this place; what promotion has there been or are in the carda;

    5. instead of assisting paying retail owners, the management in our case the JMC, has competed against the owners by renting out kiosks when we paying owners have problems renting out our units? Why compete against us and not help us?

    I am waiting for JMC's response and only Mr Wong can help. I hope you will pass on my concerns to the JMC for their official reply.


  57. So far I can't answer on behalf on JMC but what I can do is raise the retail unit concern during JMB meeting with the developer well, I think the developer might have better idea and plan on how to colloborate and work from it, end of the day there still hold the most retail unit

  58. Dear Mr Wong

    Thanks for your bringing up this issue of"managing" and renting of kiosks to the JMC.

    I await their feedback.

    retail owner

  59. Haloo Mr Retail Owner...
    I think you talking too much...
    you better take out you property and berambus...
    You just "cakap pandai" here....What have you done...

    You want pointing to JMC or Mgmnt to keeping your precious property??? Then Talk to my hand bro....

  60. Halo retail owner

    mana boleh on semua aircond & lampu kt sana, memang tak adil la bagi blok A & B owner sebab kena tanggung kos TNB korang.

    kalau setakat 20% saja retail owner yang bayar fees, lagi 80% tu siapa yang nak tanggung?

    suruh semua retail owner bayar dulu baru lah boleh cerita apa nak buat.

    ini cerita nak tu nak ni, tapi fees tak bayar.

    bila kita semua bayar apa yang sepatutnya, jangan cakap aircond & lampu saja boleh on. unit u pun kita boleh advertise kt TV..

    No money, no talk la my friend..

  61. To the above 2 fellas, smart adik or not

    My property not precious. Burn it down for all I care. You want to get persoanl we can do the same la. How to take my property away? memang silly to suggest that la. Pointing to jmc or mgt? Why not? I am only asking if the JMC thinks that management is for condo or what is mgt all about. Not pointing. Seeking clarification on JMC's role. You dont know english is it?

    Mana boleh on all the stuff? you need to read carefully to get my point. I dont suggest switching on when most shops are vacant. I am asking you to consider how I feel when I bring prospective to view my shop. I am a payimng owner you know.

    Anyway, this topic is at an end for me. You guys are soooo smart. I only suggest you read my post carefully before replying la. If most re tail owners are not paying, apply to attach their properties la. Seal it up. The Act 663 allows you to apply to cob. Why take so long? what do the two of you got to say about this attachment process? No opinion?

    In any case, I did say you dont have to manage this place right? After all I also said you will lose nothing as most are not paying their dues. So whats in your mind la. Anyway, my concerns is for jmc to address. Unless you are in jmc, you no need to consider la. If you are in jmc then habis la for all of us.

    Aiyar. No money no talk. you are right kawan. I paid all my dues so I talk la. The rest didnt pay so they dont talk. So everyone in condo paid their dues ah? If not, you also dont talk la.

    The way you guys think, P Ave will never get better. You just wait till some idiotic owners start something illegal there. I am sure you will be happy when they have massage parlour or funeral parlour there. It will improve the value of your condo. One stop centre la. Live and die services all available. By the way, there is no restriction in selling keranda you know. Maybe cant get licence to do so la.

    Do you know there was one person who wanted to start a kopitiam there last yr? Do you also know that the conditions set was so strict that people go away? Bet you have no idea la. Talk fast but no facts as usual. BR wanted them to instal very expensive exhaust system la. This is Park Ave Dam Damai la, not USA.

    It is quite obvious that some of you guys think that managing a retail outlet is so simple, just maintain the services and let the owners unit to make the place successful. Not like that one la. Developer/management company needs to manage it la.

    Adik Smart, you think paying 50 sen per sq ft and not get any air cond of escalator is acceptable is it? Dont pay dont talk you said. I paid so how? Still I dont get air cond and escalator. But I didnt complain so far. Only ask you to feel for me. But instead you criticise. This is hopeless case. Lets just keep it at that.

  62. rileks la bro... terima la hakikat..what u want JMB do actually with current situation? with not enough fund to maintain, no buyers, no customer...

    maybe feng shui not good la bro.. this place 'mati'.. not only PA kena, season square yang sewa murah pun tarak laku..

    we all aslo want PA meletup tapi orang tarak mahu datang apa mahu bikin... kasi doa la banyak-banyak..

    itu kiosk yang murah pun tarak orang mahu niaga & tarak orang mahu datang beli...kalau u pandai cari bomoh bagus boleh la hantar proposal.. tapi payment lambat la bro..

  63. Dear Smart Brothers

    I like it, you make me smile; relaz, betul la. Apap boleh bikin?

    Truth be told, I dont expect any miracle or any big improvement. Basically all I am after is to find out if the jmc is going to manage it (successful or not is a separate matter). If jmc is only going to do nothing, then better la, i also stop paying. After all, most of the owners are not paying and if I pay also makes no difference la bro. In any development, if less than 20% owners pay, the place will die eventually. So I dont want to throw away good money after a lousy investment la. I hope you can understand that Smart Bro.

    I think bomoh pun tak boleh help la. If the jmc got jalan, then turn the whole place into tuition centre and one big IT centre. To me that is one possibility. However, this big move can only be made by the big boys,ie MK Land la. If MK get in a big educational body and rent out a few floors for IT centre, with the population of damai, this may just work la. I hope the jmc can talk with MK on this. If left on its own, the existing owner will fail for sure. Most owners are investors only, cannot do much. Some dont even want to talk already. i am still talking, hoping for someone to help. I will take your advice, just relax. Hope jmc c an talk to MK la

    For now, kasi doa banyak are right on bro.

    Retail owner

  64. Bro, kalau tak silap, JMC ada meeting dalam sehari dua ni, representative from MKland also involve.

    why dont you request to join them through PA management and voice out to MKland directly....

    manalah tau kot kot lu punya idea tu bole digunapakai...cubalah

    positive thinking

  65. Dear Positive Thinking

    hal hal PA, Mk sudah tahu masa Datuk Kasi. Sekarang masa Tan Sri, saya harap, Mk representative boleh bagi Tan Sri tahu situasi PA.

    Saya, dah bagi dia orang tahu beberapa kali masa BR and HB. tapi, employee MK takut bagi Tan Sri tahu. Aiyar, saya dah bagi dia orang tahu la. Saya harap JMC boleh tolong bagi suggestion untuk MK's action saja la.

    Maaf BM saya tak berapa bagus ya.

    Retail owner

  66. Dear Block C owners/representative,

    you are invited to attend the 4th jmb meeting (together with the developer)held on this wednesday 9.00pm at our poolside.

    Please inform the resident manager/the management for further inquiry/reservation.

    thank you

    -JMB units-

  67. dear retaail owner,

    pls make sure you and other block c representative attend the meeting...

    this is a good chance for owner block c to highlight any issue..

    and stop thinking that JMC do not help you...

    Positive thinking

  68. Dear Positive Thinking

    I dont think any block c owner will be there but that does not mean that we dont care and we have no voice. Block c owners are mostly themselves to blame for not talking outloud. I have done my f air share although not inmeeting with jmc. Anyway, there willbe some who will say that I only talk in this forum but wont turn up for meeting. Well, I wont defend my position. You may say whatever you wish.

    You ask me to stop thinking that jmc is not helping me.....interesting. How is jmc helping me, may I ask?

    Thanks for letting me know Positive Thinking.

    Retail owner

  69. Dear retail owner

    It is better to help each other either from jmb side or block c.

    the door is open for you or your rep to come/attend the meeting, the choice is on you.. or what else do you want, as the owner block c, you should .. .....??


  70. Dear ???

    My representatives will be there for sure. Whether they will talk on my behalf, we will see.

    JMC is my representative right?

    Retail owner

  71. dear retail owner....

    1. jmc to help you & retail owner - tonight is your chance to discuss your problem.. thanks to JMC for giving the chance.

    2. atend meeting - You are not joining the meeting? only send your representative ? very bad man.. if you are not interested to joint, I think positively JMC or MK also not interested to help you.. pls think positive

    3. Park Avenue JMC as your representative - as nonmember of JMC, I personally don't think so!... they are all owner of Park Avenue Condo.. of course they dont bother about Idaman/Saujana/Impian apartment. same thing goes to retail... UNLESS you retail owners hardwork for that and cooperate with JMC. am I right.

    Note : this is my personal opinion. blogger pls dont f**k me if I'm WRONG or you dont agree with me....

    Positive Thinking

  72. I not sure this applicable in Malaysia or not but in oversea like hong kong their management company do run very efficient and do help owner to lease out their unit

  73. Dear Mr Wong

    We can forget about comparing Damai with other country. Just compare to other retail centres in Klang Valley will do.

    The operative word for management company (JMC being one as they decided to take on that role) is "manage". Helping owners to secure tenants is part of the service. Whether they succeed or not is a separate matter. But to say it is not their role if not acceptable. The very lease any management copmpany should do is to say they will help get tenant, then just forget about it la. It is ok, so long as they say it is their role. But in our case, so far the JMC has been completely quiet on this issue.

    retail owner

  74. dear retail owner,

    please come to the meeting tonite with the developer, you might have the beautiful ideas on the block c.

    we try to solve the problem accordingly.

    -jmc units-

  75. dear retail owner..

    i advised u to come for the meeting and find out yourselve how it goes, but u didn't turn up. what a shame.. u really good in talking and i advise u to just keep on talking (to yourselve)...

    u actually waisting our time & jammed our blog.. i think thats enough..

  76. Mr Smart Guy

    Who in this world do you think you are? You have not right to demand that I present myself inthis meeting. You advice should at best be an invitation, not a demand like you think it is. You own this blog space is it? I did not e ven ask you to read my suggestion.

    You aint too smart. You call yourself smart as no one else thinks you are. Keep you opinion to yourself. The moment you open your gap, I can see clearly, you are speaking without engaging your brain if you have one.

    What hv you done in the meeting to make PA a better place?

    This is not a personal matter between us. I have no idea who you are and could not be bothered even if you are the PM. So stop talking thrash to me. My suggestion is to the jmc and only to the jmc. Are you a member of the jmc? If not, shut up.

    R Owner

  77. Dear Retail Owner,

    I have proposed you to joint the monthly meeting which the JMC normally not allow other resident/tenant to joint.

    What a shame, you do not turn up.. think positive, how they are going to help you if you yourself dont want to take the responsibility. at least you send your representative. they are sincere to listen to your problem... am I right JMC?

    next time, you can talk in blog as much as you want but nobody will listen to you...

    note : I tell you truth...dont screw me, I just want to help you..

    Think Positive

  78. Dear Positive Thinking

    Your point is noted, thanks.

    Nobody need to listen to me talk endlessly in this blog. I dont mind. I just want to se if the JMC responds to my suggestion. They dont have to either. Lets just see if they will. I hope Mr Wong has brought it to their attention. The rest,I can only hope. As for others who dont want to read or respond. Thanks anyway.

    Oh yes, one thing I thought you may wish to understand before more of you keep assuming that I am a good for nothing, only want to talk but cant be bothered to even turn up for an invited meeting; one must not assume that another party can turn up even if notice has been given; some of us are disabled and thus impossible to come, some of us has been very sick and has been hospitalised etc. Many genuine reasons. But I did assume that I do not owe anyone any reason to be absent hence I did not bother to give any.

    So for now, let me just say you all may propose or invite or advice me to come for meeting; I cant for good reason. No need to say why here. Only so much as you should not make judgement before knowing all the facts.

    Have a good weekend,it is almost here now.

    Retail owner

  79. Hi Retail Owner,
    your concern on retail unit have been brought forward in our JMB meeting and the management will help to compiled a list of owner whom want to lower down their rent unit and get people in, let group together all this parcel owner and work from it. As at now developer have no plan on PA retail unit major focus go to season square.

    In term of getting in others source of interested party we will need all owner to help up each other. What ever JMC can assist we will try our best

  80. Dear Mr Wong

    JMC should not waste time compiling the names of owners of retail units and asking them if they wish to reduce their rent. Why I say this:

    1. they should be the ones approaching the jmc for help, not the other way round;

    2. jmc should help the paying owners first, those not paying should not be afforded any help (I dont think the jmc can help so many people right. They should be penalised in the first place;

    3. retail owners not paid for more than 6 months should have their units sealed and attached asap. This topic has been talked about by BR. Not even sure if the jmc is serious about this approach. What is the law for if the jmc does not apply to the cob to have those units attached?

    4. as for the developer; i know their strategy, we are wasting time with them. You mean the jmc still has faith in them? Note, the developer is a developer, seal the units and wish the rest all the best. Cant fault them on this if they choose to be short sighted. They have not even sold their offices so the priority is to sell them. I hope I am wrong and that the developer still cares.

    My view which I hope will be wrong is that the jmc does not have the determination and even if it has, this task of helping all the retail owners is impossible. I am being realistic. The only body that can really help is the developer but alas, they are not reliable. Sadly, none of the retail owners are in the jmc, hence I also cant blame the lack of enthusiasm in solving other peoples problems when there are issues in the condo requiring attention.

    That said, I think the best thing is to let it die a fast death if that is possible. That way, perhaps the next batch of owners can do something. By death, I mean the jmc apply to the cob now (and dont delay any further) for attachment.

    Retail Owner

  81. To Retail Owner..


  82. Smart Guy

    If nothing to write just shut up la, bla bla bla, sound like a sheep trying to be a smart ass, like a donkey.

    Actually, your post does not warrant any respond but i allow you one just to let you know you are indeed sounding like an ass.

    Retail Owner

  83. the posts by some in this forum is a true reflection of the mentality of the residents/owners of this place. sad case. if cannot talk with manners then dont talk better. i have been reading for sometime and didnt comment so far but this time there are more people who think they are very smart. this is for our community and the better we behave, the better it will be for all of us. no need to be rude. it shows you have poor upbringing or your character is flawed.

  84. Dear Retail Owner

    What do you want actually?

    a. Developer to promote your place
    b. JMC to rent your unit
    c. JMC to help you pay everymonth
    d. Developer to buyback your unit
    e. just want to talk

    positive thinking

  85. hi Retail Owner,
    there is owner whom approach the management office to seek for help and I believe this compilation is for everyone to benefit from it

  86. Dear retail owner,

    Legal action is still our priority despite this as a last action taken actually (if no choice).

    We are looking on any possibility which might be taken against errant owners including referring the same to COB.

    thank you

    -jmc units-

  87. Dear Positive Thinking

    To answer your questions in the same order:

    a. developer may do us good to promote the place as they themselves also own alot of unsold units. But this is not their duty. This duty falls on the lap of the management company. Now you tell me who the management company is.

    b. No

    c. No.

    d. No.They have problem selling their own units, why would they buy back? If theyoffer to buy back, who wont sell to them even at a loss?

    e. No. If I want to talk only, i talk to friends, not here. Over here, I wish to make suggestions for JMC's consideration.

    I am surprised that you are still asking what Iactually want? You mean my writings are so distorted that no one understands what I want? All I want to know is what management is doing about this place? I am not about to tell you what to do. I am only seeking to determine what is meant by management and if the jmc thinks it is their role to help retail units owenrs out. Simple question really. Just say it is or it is not our role.

    Dear Mr Wong

    Good to know that owners are approaching management office to seek assistance. I wonder if any has received any assistance so far.

    Dear JMC units

    I am glad to know that actions are taken against errant owners. A lot of them have been errant for a long long time. I think we have reach the point of making tough decision of seeking cob's green light for attachment.

    Retail owner

  88. To Retail Owner


  89. the issue only been raise and information gathering by the new management, while the management office will need to compiled all this seeking assistance owner and asisst them in a proper channel

  90. retail owner, now we all understood your intention...we agree your are an educated guy we ever can you keep silent by now on...please....... frankly speaking, you are talking rubbish and no body cares....

    May i suggest you to some one that can hear
    yourproblem ............................................................................................................................................................Pray to god my friend.

    see yah...

    - Positive thinking-

  91. This world is full of ironic situation and worse still full (fool) of people who call themselves by great names. Great guys are humble; no need to give yourselves great and powerful names when you speak like scum bags.

    Has anyone ever met any truely smart or positive fellas in this world calling themselves by such names? When no one recognises you as smart or positive then I suppose you have to call yourselves that. The confirmatin is in your postings!

    Smart or positive is all but a joke. There is nothing smart about your postings or positive either. Perhaps you are the same guys acting as 2 diferent persons. Maybe just twins from different parents.

    As for positive thinker, didnt expect you to be such but your last post does prove you are neither positive nor a thinker. You may call yourself that but I now classify you in the same group as smart ass, I mean smart guy. And pls la, dot go using god all the time in your posts. Do you even believe in one?

    Retail Owner

  92. To the person managing this site (a suggestion)

    I think it is time we register this site for owners only to posts. Everyone who posts should have a name and unit identified to him or her. Positing behind this veil is chicken shit for some or maybe a few.

    When we have a name and face, we will begin to post more responsibly. If no name and address, just read will do.

    Retail Owner

  93. Dear Reatil Owner

    JMC will decide on this issue (register the site)in next meeting..


    -jmc units-

  94. dear retail owner..

    1) who's chicken shit?

    2) who's always talking in this blog but didn't turn up for meeting or no action taken to settle down your issue?

    3) u are the chicken shit...

  95. for JMC units

    this blog is not the issue, why JMC so affraid?
    let it open..

  96. well if everyone been more open and not using any vulgar criticism to each other, this blog can be co-exist to help each other to get latest info on our Park Avenue development right

  97. u're right abg wong..
    i love u la...muuaaahhh..

  98. Smart Guy or Smart bro. You are the chicken shit la. You mean that also you dont know ah. How may people turn up for meeting? You mean those who dont turn up are chicken shit? Nola, you are the one, smart ass. Identify yourself if you are so smart.

  99. Dear Anon 7.55am

    You are sharper than smart ass. He is still asking who chicken shit is. Good to know there is someone who recognises who chicken shit is.

    Why someone is chicken shit and still not sure he is the one:

    1. I must assume you are part of the JMC ( i hope the jmc can confirm or deny this) since you are able to attend the meeting and seem to have to authority to invite me. In which case, i think out jmc has to improve its members mentality. Dont be so assumming. Despite my reasoning that I have genuine reason not to attend this smart ass thinks I only talk and wont attend meeting. You are not just ignorant, you are an ass for demanding my attendance.

    You assume I have not taken action to try to resolve my own problem. Again, you assume. Surely your middle name must be ASSume. Can you pls stop making assumption. If you persist to attack me on this point, I also can continue to do so but I truely wish to stop as it is pointless talking to an ass. You cant change, you wont change. I hope the JMC will act fast to register this forum so that only people with a face talks here. If the jmc is aware that this smart ass is its member, pls take necessary action to control your members. Dont want to turn this place into a chicken nest.

    No one has the right to demand anyone to turn up for meeting. If anyone cant cant for meeting, he or she is not talking nonsense; just bringing up issue. This I know is too difficult for chicken shit to comprehend as his education probably took place in the 1980s.

    Retail Owner

  100. Opening up for all to speak nonsense? No good. Want to speak then have a face and have some balls.

    Chicken shit wants it open so he can continue to speak in annonimity and no one knows who he is. He is for all I know a member in the jmc. So I say, register and have a face. That way you will post more responsibly. No more smart ass or postive non thinker here. They are one of the same.

    Retail Owner

  101. Dear JMC Unit Units

    Pls do consider registering this blog seriously. It has nothing to do with being afraid. It is to do with responsible posting.

    Retail Owner

  102. Dear All,

    pls use your own nickname.

    Positive thinking

  103. to retail owner.

    i suggest u all open your own blog la..
    u all can discuss among u all first..

  104. relax lah you all, let move on to another topic already, there alot of issue we need to solve one by one. Those previous thing we cannot rollback we should all move on together

  105. to all

    Except mr wong, JMC units know nothing about the identity of the rests in the blog.

    As such and for the time being, we have taken steps to adopt only what is positive and benefited to park avenue wholly.

    we will consider about registration of the username in the next jmb meeting should the majority find the blog cannot assist us very much.


    -jmc units-

  106. Dear JMC Units

    Personally I dont care much about censorship. With time the public will know what is right and what is not. By registration, people tend to be more careful as they dont to be known to the rest as fools. They can still talk rubbish or use foul langguage but they would let others know their mentality. Anyway, it is up to the moderator or owner of this site to do whatever he deems fit.

    Somethings not directly related to PA may notnecessary be bad if allowed to be posted. Then again this is only my view. I will comply with whatever the decision is.

    I agree with Mr Wong to move on with life. There are more important issues other than PA.

    Retail Owner

  107. to JMC.

    don't u all think that wasting your time to discuss about this blog? for sure u knew the result coz there will no respon from us, its will reflect on JMC later coz 'selalu buat keputusan sendiri'.

    its better like this, we can say whatever we feel wrong...
