Sunday, June 28, 2009

Progress Update 22/June/2009

Dear Resident
another update for everyone please download from the right hand box for the minute of meeting held on last week, As the new office start to operation since last few week I hope the new management office team can provide better service then those by BR and HB in the past year as alot of complain have been ignore or never been channel into proper parties. At least now what every owner said will be hear and be publish to improve our Park Avenue.

However all this effort shouldn't be from JMC only all the resident should contribute their effort sometimes i find it so strange where some resident behavior like barbarian or uneducated, parent just allow their kids to throw rubbish anywhere there like.
I even saw some parent just don't scold the kids even when the kids playing with the fire hose, really have to surrender to such parenting skill.

eople the common area is your house as well and what your friend and family member will said when there visit PA and see all such rubbish surrounding your home, so shame and embarrassing. Now my only hope is all resident change their attitude and move on to something better in the future we are not kids anymore alot of responsibiliteies supposed to be self initiative.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Progress Update 16/June/2009

Dear Resident
another update for everyone please download from the right hand box for the minute of meeting held on last week, although not much picture in the blog recently not much time to take new picture. The management office already start to move in into new unit and our own in house resident manager already on the job for a week, please help him to familiarize with all the resident here again. Feel free to pay him a visit in the management office in block B as the new office have better arrangement and more spacious for all the resident to sit in. Will post more picture soon on the new office layout.
Btw there some logo design for our in-house working shirt, if anyone have ideal feel free to submit your design.

here is my submission, for everyone to decide on this.
Here is another submission from Zul, come on guys need more before the dateline on this wednesday.

latest submission from rizal, personally i like the top right hand one, look very class.. well guys bring in more logo so that we can have more option.. for time being rizal have my vote..


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Park Avenue Sub Commitee Meeting

Dear all resident,
there will be a weekly meeting between JMB and the sub committee unit to discuss the issue on the building at Poolside 9.30 pm 16/06/2009, all member or non-member is encourage to join us for this discussion session.
As usual there will be issue need to highlighted during the meeting and also for all the committee to meet up with our new appointed resident manager, hopefully there will be some presentation and briefing from the new manager "how's to" tackle all the existing problem and also all the future maintenance plan.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Progress Update 06/June/2009

Dear Resident,
Another month have gone through and yet again we can't see the face on our consultant and also much action from the resident manager, therefore JMB have decide not to extend their services beyond the current month, as we feel the RM 11,000 pay to them is totally wasted and En. Norman is no longer our resident manager started on 15/06/2009, As the time go we have decide not to engage with any more so call consultant company again as their from time to time have proof their failure to all of us. As at today we have appointed our own resident manager which is En. Raja Irwan Ashraf where he is the residential in Park Avenue as well, so he himself can do the job more efficiently in term of monitoring and first hand to all the issue.

Here as some information update for everyone

Facilities & Building

  1. Common area light for block A,B and car park area will be finish test by10/06/2009 and the replacement budget will be less then RM 1000
  2. Water pump in block A is currently running in one pump and another one is spoilwill be replace the spoil one by 16/06/2009
  3. Block B access door toward the pool side at level 9 is spoil and need to repair the broken door panel by 11/06/2009.
  4. Suggestion to replace the lobby access door with tempered glass design for block A & B with dimension of 3 X 7 m2 with basic estimation around RM 6000, quotationwill required before any decision been make
  5. Common area light post surrounding the Park Avenue (17 unit) will be in the next project
  6. Swimming pool light to be on hold until further notice.
  7. Suggestion to remove the landscape service contractor as their current services is below par.
  8. Service contractor for swimming pool service highlight to the JMB there are not invited to submit the quotation for pump repair.
Ladies & Women
  1. The event already started about 11 registered member according to Pn. Zaleha, hopefully there will be more participant in the coming month after the school holiday season over.
  1. New assistant security En. Khairul Anuar started to join the JMB in-house security.
  2. Door broken in level 1,2,3,4,8 and 9 reported by security head En. Sahak, current no action have been taken to repair or check the status.
  3. In-house security will not need to have license as per stated by the Suria Security, as the in-house in for the resident own protection.
  4. The new in house guard can be go through vetting from government agencies or polis department.
  5. Notice to inform the entire owner to park their car in the designated bay and car park in commercial area or in front of Jusco Max Value is at their own risk.
  6. Suria Security shows cause letter, have no reply from the management company. The JMC committee have vote out 7-3 to remove the security company and appoint the in-house
  7. Cloaking have been install in Block A & B
  8. Azam info the in-house security guard can be form within three day if the current security is to be removed.
  9. New security in-house hired on the total costing will be ready by Zul on the new three days
  10. Revise on the Suria Security contract termination and legal matter to be review by Sheikh

  1. Current UPS Property management system is now up and updated with the latest owner information.
  2. All owner outstanding amount will be list out and publish to the notice board to notified the outstanding amount by 16/06/2009
  3. Block C list will be sent by register
  4. One week after the information been publish out, if there no correction the outstanding owner will be issue with letter of demand from our legal panel with

That's all for the update information, i hope all the owner will be willing to come to the JMC meeting to share their thought and together to help grow the Park Avenue, I think I myself will not able to do much without help from everyone.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Financial Statement from Medan Prestasi

Dear Resident,
After so many years of waiting finally we get to see the financial statement release to us from the developer, I have browse through it and be frank i not a damn auditor just look at it also don't understand the figure come from where, well for those whom is expert in auditing the account or have previously experience to do so, please go through it and feed everyone with your knowledge. There will be another one from YBR for last year account as well , will posted to everyone soon.

Please download the file from this link it consist the scan file for financial statement 2005 to 2007, By the way it is using free services so please wait for a while went download the file.

That all for the update for time being will update to everyone again soon

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Car park owner

Dear resident,
Our building been vandalize yet again , this time the block A main door have been sabotage and i not so sure where is the security at night, ridiculous the thing is just been fix and now barely less then a month it been destroy again, there just so uneducated people around us. However this is not as major as the issue if three car owner car been break-in and remove their belonging, now even car park at our our building is not safe at all this is so serious, while the mean time it is advisable for all the owner to remove their valuable from their respective car at night time to be sure, pretty disappointing with the security effort. Since there alot anyway to walk in into our building , motorcycle just pass by the guard post without any verification , guard sitting in the post chit-chatting , smoking and ever have girl in that place to entertain among them self.

JMB will be looking into alternative solution to this problem as it have been repeating for sometimes i think all resident is clearly frustrated with the current security their performance is far below par. If any resident have suggestion please come forward with your idea we will be much appreciate with some good suggestion.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Letter Final Reminder to MKLAND - Audited Account

Dear Resident,
As MK still fail to sent us any audited account until today, the management office already sent in the reminder to them and their respond is will be sent over within two days, just wait and see what is the result in another few days

Monday, June 1, 2009

CA Lim feedback on our complain 30/May/2009

Dear all resident,
Please feel free to go through the reply from our consultant company, after we have sent them the show cause letter after one month of taking over the building management, personally I think there required another two week times is quite long where to the current people do have more then a year experience in out park avenue building. By right necessary information and knowledge should be able to pass down in a short time, which is also why we have retain the same group of people, well i left it to the resident to judge on this feedback as JMB we try our best to solve all the problem

Dear Encik Nasir,
Sorry for the late reply as I was out of office and just recovered from a bout of flu (not H1N1).
I have received a number of e-mails re the Property Management Services provided by my Company and in a "nutshell" I can understand your comments and frustrations. Please take note that we are taking action and steps to overcome the concerns that you have raised. However this being only the first month we have resumed our duties, we are in the process of looking into the matters that you have raised as well as to other matters which are of concern to us.
For example, the building audit process is an ongoing process and we have only just begun the superficial checks and are in the process of getting more details to see how we can strategize and remedy the process to overcome the issues and problems that we face. For example I have just collated the contract documents from some of the service providers and is in the process of going through them before coming up with proposals to the JMC which I feel may be required to be adopted and updated where necessary. I am also waiting for the audited or non audited accounts from the Developer and previous Property Managers to see where are the areas to follow up and to take the necessary steps to propose and see to improvements. To date, I can only gauge from the administrative accounts and procedures, and with regard to this, I have to wait for the monthly closing (which should take place soon) before I can gauge the strenghth and weaknesses.
I have already visited and inspected the building and have instructed my representative, Encik Noorman to follow up on a number of issues, i.e by getting specifications on facilities that need to be put in order and then the quotation on the costs required so that we can present the items to the JMC. At the same time I have instructed our representative Site Operations Manager to also look into factors relating to the commercial/retail areas so that we can come up with a proper proposal as to the strategies needed to revitalize the areas and collect back the outstanding payments. As for the outstanding payments (for the residential areas as well) we will have to confirm the balances from the Developer and the previous Property Managers so that we can proceed with action provided for in accordance with Act 663. I hope that the JMC has recieved the accounts and if so please extend a copy to me so that I can follow up with the necessary actions.
Pertaining to the House Rules, you have already in place a set prepared by the Developer through Messrs Henry Butcher which is still official as it had not been changed or altered by the JMB. With regard to this, I am studying the contents and will suggest to the JMC any required changes, additions and/or amendments which shall be endorsed at the next AGM or EGM, if necessary.
I have also on my own accord met up with Mr Daniel Kat, the Property Manager of the Developer (through their request) to seek their cooperation in overcoming some of the current problems faced.
Basically, I am concerned as you all are as to the issues and problems encountered at Park Avenue, but I definitely need time to implement the necessary to put things right. As to procedures, I am also in the process of drafting proposals to the JMC which I shall be presenting from time to time together with the regular reports, but as at the present time I am in the process of compiling and understanding what was in place and amending them accordingly. I am also asking the staff to show me their existing procedures and will be making changes where necessary.
I understand that the JMC is proposing to cut down the number of security staff from 11 to 8. Please take note that I have also reviewed their contract terms and also is looking at their deployment and duties. I am also doing the same for the Cleaners and other Service Providers. I would advise that you let me have about a week or two from now to present my recommendations to the JMC. I propose to be in KL from the 16th to the 19th of June, and hopefully we can meet up in person to deliberate further on these matters and any other matters.
If you do have any other matters or issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you,
Sr Lim Chien Aun.